We’re Always After Input


We’re Always After Input

By Russ Case

USFWS Sued For Failing To Protect Shasta Salamander
Texas Congressman Wants to Nullify ESA Protections For Dunes Sagebrush Lizard
The Reptile Shop In Temecula
Turtle Drinking
ReptileChannel editors are always thirsty for knowledge as it pertains to site visitors’ likes and dislikes.

I’m happy to report that the traffic to ReptileChannel has been steadily growing (including the number of people who read this blog, you masochists, you). A couple days ago I touted our new jigsaw puzzles and the Fun & Games section. Having done that, I’m curious as to what you may like or not like about the site. When I write about something here that I think is cool, it’s easy to wonder, “Do they already know about this, and do they think it’s stupid?”

At the bottom of this page is the “Submit a Comment” button. Some of you, I know, use it regularly. You receive 25 reward points each time you submit a comment; reward points can be used toward free merchandise. This alone may be motivation for people to submit comments – I suspect for some it is the only motivation — but I especially appreciate it when people offer helpful, insightful comments that could result in a better ReptileChannel for everybody.

So that’s what I’m asking you to do now. If anyone reading this would be willing to take a moment and leave a comment regarding what they do and do not like about ReptileChannel, I’d very much appreciate it. Is there something you want that isn’t here? Do you think there’s too much coverage for something and not enough in another area? Are the reptiles that interest you featured anywhere on the website, or do you try to look up information about them and consistently come up empty handed? Overall, are you happy with the site or not?

Maintaining a website and keeping it interesting to as broad a range of users as possible can be tricky. Unless we receive regular feedback we are working in a bit of a void. We can track the number of visitors to ReptileChannel, but we can’t track people’s satisfaction with or enjoyment of the site without hearing from them. In other words, we can’t tell if the thousands of people who visit are going away satisfied or disappointed.

So let us know. Just about every page on ReptileChannel features the Submit a Comment button. You can also let us know what you think by visiting the Contact Us page here.

Please let us hear from you. Help us avoid the void!

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