USARK Alert: Light Bulb Ban, West Mifflin, PA Proposes Ban On Almost All Animals“it shall be unlawful for an person/owner in the Borough to house, keep or maintain any pet…” Sasit Thapthimthongchai/Shutterstock

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USARK Alert: Light Bulb Ban, West Mifflin, PA Proposes Ban On Almost All Animals

West Mifflin has proposed a ban on almost all animals, including most domesticated animals

This poorly drafted ordinance seeks to ban all “animals,” most “pets,” and also has limits for dogs, cats, and birds.

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In 2022, the Department of Energy (“Department”) passed a regulation that banned certain incandescent light bulbs. Light bulbs are deemed inefficient if they do not emit a certain amount of lumens per watt. Specifically, the rule prohibits the sale of “general service lamps” (GSLs) that do not meet a minimum efficacy standard of 45 lumens per watt (lm/W). This was meant to transition from less efficient bulbs to more efficient lighting, like LED bulbs.

Reptile lighting is a specialty item and is not used for general-purpose lighting in homes and businesses. However, certain bulbs were reviewed solely on how many lumens they produced per watt. Herp keepers know that halogen and basking bulbs are not used in household lamps for general lighting.

At least one lighting manufacturer has been sharing valuable data with the Department, and changes to this ban are being sought. The Department shows promising and reasonable signs with its openness to communications from lighting manufacturers and experts such as veterinarians, zookeepers, and professional herpetologists. The Department’s willingness to engage with stakeholders is welcome and appreciated. A review has been requested, and we remain hopeful that reasonableness will prevail.

While most specialty lighting for reptiles and amphibians has not been included in this ban, many commonly used bulbs have been, including the list below. Bulbs similar to those below, no matter the company, fall under this ban and will be pulled from the market if the Department does not change its standing.

An effort to reverse this decision seems to be moving positively with the Department. Currently, we are encouraging legitimate experts and concerned herp keepers to contact the Department. Experts, please send any data supporting the need for the types of bulbs below for animal welfare and sound husbandry. The Department needs to be provided with information.

Remember to be civil and professional! Acting otherwise will only hurt our cause. You can provide science and your animal welfare concerns to this email address:
List of bulbs currently subject to the ban by the Department:
basking spot lamps under 125W
daylight bulbs under 125W
halogen lamps under 125W
UVB compact and mini compact fluorescent lamps
UVA compact and mini compact fluorescent lamps
Below is a basic sample message.
Please edit it and feel free to expand. Be polite! You can also easily edit if you own birds.

Department of Energy,
As a responsible reptile owner, I am very troubled after learning that specialty light bulbs that I use to keep my pets healthy will be banned. The ban on certain basking, heat, and UVA/UVB bulbs will create extreme animal welfare issues. Pet reptiles and birds, animals in zoos and conservation programs, and many others will suffer. Please listen to the experts who have contacted you regarding this issue. These bulbs are not used for general lighting and are needed to keep most reptiles healthy. Several million American homes have pet reptiles.

I support and appreciate the Department’s work to improve our energy efficiency and help the environment. These bulbs for reptiles should not be included in the ban or considered GSLs, as they are used only for specialized applications and not for everyday lighting applications. I ask that you do what is right for the animals and for good American pet owners by exempting these specialty light bulbs. Have a good day.
(If you are a professional in an animal-related field, please include your job or professional title. This includes veterinarians, biologists, zookeepers, researchers, professors/teachers, herpetologists, conservationists, etc.)

MEETING: June 18, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in the Municipal Building at 1020 Lebanon Road, West Mifflin, PA 15122

West Mifflin has proposed a ban on almost all animals, including most domesticated animals. Basically, the only animals allowed to be owned in West Mifflin will be dogs, cats, birds (limit one), horses, and honey bees. Plus, all of those have restrictions. This poorly drafted ordinance seeks to ban all “animals,” most “pets,” and also has limits for dogs, cats, and birds. See definitions and explanations below.

Local animal owners must attend, voice opposition, and contribute to the process. The official announcement is below. We will post more details as they become available. Remember to be civil and professional as the lawmakers may be unaware of how poorly this is written and the unintended consequences.

Per the summary: “this ordinance amendment will prohibit the presence of animals except as provided herein.” There are no exceptions except for dogs, cats, birds, horses, and honey bees, which means that all other animals are banned. While the actual ordinance text (just the summary does) does not state a ban on “animals,” the clearly expressed intent is to ban all “animals.”

“it shall be unlawful for an person/owner in the Borough to house, keep or maintain any pet…” This means that even those animals defined as pets are banned, except for a few exceptions.

The only exemptions are: A. A person may have 5 or less combined dogs and cats (in total), B. Horses may be kept if parcel is at least four acres and dedicated only to horses (plus other restrictions). C. A “living unit” may have one bird per unit.
Honey bees are allowed with restrictions.

“Animals”: shall mean any living thing that moves but is not human, i.e., including but not limited to, fowl, cows, swine, reptiles, sheep, monkeys, chimpanzees, baboons, lions, tigers, bobcats, cougars, leopards, jaguars, non-domesticated cats, wolves, coyotes, foxes, jackals, non-domesticated dogs, bears, venomous snakes and constrictor snakes, alligators, crocodiles, porcupines, weasels, badgers, elephants, hyenas, hippopotamuses, giraffes, camels, cattle, cows, hogs, pigs, sheep, goats, horses, raccoons, kangaroos, opossums, rhinoceroses, anteaters, sloths, armadillos, mongooses, skunks, venomous lizards, emus, llamas, alpacas, etc., but excluding “Pets”.

“Pets”: shall mean common domestic household animals including but not limited to: cats, dogs, fish, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, etc.

Read the proposal at

For West Mifflin residents only, you can send a version of the below letter, especially if you cannot attend the meeting. However, as many people as possible should be there to voice their opposition and educate the lawmakers.

Email list:,,,,

Sample Letter (remember to be civil and professional)

West Mifflin Mayor Kelly, Council Members, and Staff,
As a West Mifflin resident and responsible animal owner, I am distraught with the proposed animal ordinance. While I understand and appreciate the intent, the draft ordinance is rife with unintended consequences and extremely unreasonable. While I hope this is not the true intent, as drafted, the ordinance seeks to ban all “animals” and almost all “pets” in the borough.

If you are unaware, one-third of Americans own pets other than dogs and cats. That means almost 6,000 West Mifflin residents could be affected by this new law. It also means that thousands of animals will need to be euthanized, surrendered, or rehomed.

The summary states that “animals” will be prohibited, and the ordinance states that only dogs, cats, horses, birds, and honey bees have exceptions, with all other animals and “pets” being banned. Even that small list has strict limits and restrictions. Surely this overreach is not what the Council seeks to do.
Please reconsider this proposal and do more research. Thank you for your time and have a good day.

West Mifflin resident
Take Notice that at a regular meeting of Borough Council of West Mifflin Borough to be held on the 18th day of June, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. in the Municipal Building at 1020 Lebanon Road, West Mifflin, PA 15122, Borough Council will consider a proposed Ordinance prohibiting animals from being kept on real estate in the Borough. Exceptions are provided for kennels, pets and horses. At said time and place you are invited to attend and to take such part as you see fit. – Brian Kamauf, Borough Manager