
Show Us The Money

The National Reptile Breeders’ Expo fundraiser scores one for the little guy.

Disney Princess Frog Contest
Reptiles Magazine 1111
Reptiles Magazine 1201

Handmade quilts with reptile themes; river rocks painted by well-known herp artists; cage accessories for your favorite lizards, captive-bred boas, geckos and Asian turtles; first edition herp books; and Waterland turtle tubs. The list of auction items, donated and bid on to raise money and awareness of reptiles and amphibians with conservation needs, goes on and on.

Auctions have become an annual Saturday-night event at the National Reptile Breeders’ Expo held in Daytona Beach, Fla., and support from expo participants has been impressive. So many items are donated that most are placed into a silent auction, which runs simultaneously alongside its live counterpart. And each year REPTILES hosts a social gathering before the event while the oceanfront Hilton provides a cash bar. It’s hectic and fun, and we always raise a significant amount of money for conservation.

Want to read the full story? Pick up the October 2008 issue of REPTILES, or subscribe to get 12 months of articles just like this.