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Reptiles Magazine 0504

Check out what’s inside the April 2005 issue of Reptiles magazine.

All Hail The King
Pets In The Classroom Launches Campaign To Put Pets In 30,000 Classrooms
Some Garter snakes have developed resistance to a deadly poison secreted by newts


This month:
March 2005



Orange is In!
A leopard gecko breeder shares care tips and the latest info on vibrant new morphs, including the R.A.P.T.O.R.

By Ron Tremper


Island Night Lizards Undercover

Santa Barbara Island provides the best opportunity for biologists the study Xantusia riversiana.

By Chuck Graham


California’s Amphibian Hertiage

The Golden State hosts a variety of beautiful and increasingly threatened amphibians.

By Karl-Heinz Switak

Rainbows in the Mud

Discover some recent developments in the natural history of homalopsine snakes.

By John C. Murphy, Harold K. Voris and Daryl R. Karns.

Homes for Your Herps

Choose an enclosure that’s best suited for your animal’s needs.

By Darren Boyd


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