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Reptiles Magazine 0412

Check out what’s inside the December 2004 issue of Reptiles magazine.

Nova Scotia Nature Trust Acquires 66 Acre Property To Create Blanding's Turtle Sanctuary
Breeder’s Choice – Pygmy Rattlesnake
Coon Rapids Snake Breeder Appeals 2010 Snake Ban


This month:
October 2004




The Desert Iguana
When exploring the American Southweest, keep an eye out (you might have to look fast) for these elegant native iguanas.
By Craig Ivanyi

Rediscover the Spectacular Carpet Python
Novice and advanced hobbyists alike find carpet pythons colorful, rewarding captives.
By Will and Mary Leary

Snakes of the Carribean
An island-by-island look at the 25 snake species of the Lesser Antilles.
By Richard Sajdak

Two Weeks in Australia’s
Top End
Just what do water pythons, silver spoons and a mad Swede have to do with one another?
By Robert N. Reed, Ph.D.

Red Island Reptiles
Join a trio of herpers as they visit Madagascar’s reptile hot spots.
By Joe Tobias


The Editor’s Desk
Reptile News & Trivia
Veterinarian Q&A
Herpetological Queries
Ask the Breeder
Notes From the Field
Bits & Pieces
Cold-Blooded Events