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Reptiles Magazine 0306

Check out what’s inside the June 2003 issue of Reptiles magazine.

ReptileChannel Mother’s Day Contest Winners
Ohio Dangerous Wild Animal Act Signed Into Law
Reptiles Magazine 0706


This month:
June 2003

Big, Bold and Beautiful: The Leopard Tortoise
Geochelone pardalis may be visually striking, but only serious keepers should attempt to keep them.

The Tuataras of New Zealand
These living fossils are considered unique among the world’s reptiles.

Ever-Evolving Elaphe guttata
Take an in-depth look at the trends in cornsnake morphs.

Black-Throat Monitors
Get some breeder-approved tips for keeping and breeding these large monitors.

Herpetofauna of the Kalahari Desert
Part Two: Lizards and Snakes.


The Editor’s Desk
Reptile News & Trivia
Veterinarian Q&A
Herpetological Queries
Ask the Breeder
Bits & Pieces
Notes From the Field
Cold-Blooded Events
Living With Reptiles