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Reptiles Club Old

To add your herp club or society to this list, please send information in the EXACT format of the listings below to reptileeditor@reptilechannel.co

Facts Not To Be Mist
Huge Crocodilian Lived Alongside Titanoboa, The World’s Largest Snake In Colombia
Catching An Insidious Killer – References

To add your herp club or society to this list, please send information in the EXACT format of the listings below to reptileeditor@reptilechannel.com.


Arizona Herpetological Association
P.O. Box 64531
Phoenix, AZ 85082-4531
(480) 894-1625
E-mail: stephen@eguttata.com


California Reptile & Invertebrate Society (CRIS)
Edgar Ortega, President
(209) 923-0174

California Turtle and Tortoise Club, Chino Valley Chapter
P.O. Box 1753
Chino, CA 91709
E-mail: calif4@aol.com

Central Valley Herpetological Society (CVHS)
Manteca, CA
Edgar Ortega – Founder
(209) 923-0174
E-mail: edgarandtami@hotmail.com

Clovis Turtle & Tortoise Club
Cen-Val Chapter of the California Turtle & Tortoise Club
P.O. Box 727
Clovis, CA 93613
(559) 298-7114

Northern California Herpetological Society
P.O. Box 661738
Sacramento, CA 95866-1738

Sacramento Turtle and Tortoise Club
25 Starlit Circle
Sacramento, CA 95831
E-Mail: felicerood@compuserve.com

San Diego Herpetological Society

Reptile Amphibian & Bug Club
Phone: 619-760-0578
Website: www.MyReptileClub.org
Email: Info@MyReptileClub.org

San Diego Turtle and Tortoise Society
P.O. Box 712514
Santee, CA 92072-2514
(619) 593-2123
E-mail: webmaster@sdturtle.org

Southwestern Herpetologist Society
P.O.Box 7469
Van Nuys, CA 91409
(818) 503-2052
Website: www.swhs.org.

Turtle & Tortoise Care Society.
P.O. Box 15965
Long Beach, CA 90815
(310) 850-6436
E-mail: rareturtle@aol.com


Colorado Herpetological Society
P.O. Box 372567
Denver, CO 80237
E-mail: info@coloherps.org
Website: http://www.coloherps.org/


The Connecticut Herpetologists' League
16 Fox Hill Dr.
Clinton, CT 06413
(860) 669-6363
E-mail: herpn@sbcglobal.net


Calusa Hepetological Society
P.O. Box 222
Estero, FL 33928
(239) 728-2390
E-mail: info@calusaherp.org

Jacksonville Herpetological Society
P.O. Box 37336
Jacksonville, FL 32236
E-mail: phelsuma28@aol.com
Website: www.jaxherp.com

North Florida Herpetological Society
P.O. Box 14865
Jacksonville, FL 32238
E-mail: phelsuma28@aol.com
Website: www.northfloridaherpsociety.com

Suncoast Herpetological Society
P.O. Box 2725
Dunedin, FL 34697
(727) 942-6700
E-mail: iguana@tampabay.rr.com
Website: www.kingsnake.com/suncoastherpsociety


Chicago Herpetological Society
2430 North Cannon Dr.
Chicago, IL 60614
(773) 281-1800

Chicago Turtle Club
6125 N. Fairfield Ave.
Chicago, IL 60659
(773) 508-0034
E-mail: Chicagoturtle@geocities.com

The Alliance of Reptile and Amphibian Hobbyists (TARAH)
c/o Crosswinds Farm
110 W. Schaumburg Rd.
Streamwood, IL 60107
Ted Campbell, Sr., club president (630) 208-9342
Lee and Gail Watson, treasurer & secretary (630) 837-4005

Windy City Reptiles (WCR)
E-Mail: ChicagoWindyCityReptiles@gmail.com


Hoosier Herpetological Society
P.O. Box 40544
Indianapolis, IN 46240-0544
(317) 873-6561 (Roger and Holly Carter)
(317) 865-0464 (James Horton, president)


Iowa Herpetological Society
P.O. Box 13102
Des Moines, IA 50310
(641) 897-5400


Kansas Herpetological Society
Eva Horne, president (785) 532-5929
Mary Kate Baldwin, secretary (785) 272-1076


Kentucky Herpetological Society
2035 Sherwood Ave.
Louisville, KY 40205
Kathy (502) 361-1824


Louisiana Gulf Coast Herpetological Society
P.O. Box 113483
Metairie, LA 70011-3483
E-mail: info@lgchs.org


Maine Herpetological Society
99 Water St.
Millinocket, ME 04462
(207) 723-4108
E-mail: dkranich@midmaine.com


New England Herpetological Society
500 Columbian Street
Weymouth, MA 02190
(617) 789-5800
E-mail: neherp@neherp.com


Michigan Society of Herpetologists
321 W. Oakland Ave.
Lansing, MI 48906
(517) 321-6105
(269) 729-4623
E-mail: orionet@aol.com; turtlejim@netpenny.net

Michigan State University Herp Club
MSU Teaching Greenhouse
East Lansing, MI 48823


Minnesota Herpetological Society
10 Church St. SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455


Kansas City Herpetological Society
P.O. Box 118
Liberty, MO 64069
(816) 468-5609

Southwest Missouri Herpetological Society
P.O. Box 14436
Springfield, MO 65814

St. Louis Herpetological Society
P.O. Box 410346
St. Louis, MO 63141-0346


Nebraska Herpetological Society
Department of Biology
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Omaha, NE 68182-0440
(402) 210-7485 (Glenn Eisel)


New Jersey Herpetological Society
P.O. Box 45
New Vernon, NJ 07976
E-mail: president@njhsonline.com


Long Island Herpetological Society
476 North Ontario Ave.
Lindenhurst, NY 11757
(631) 884-LIHS
E-mail: info@lihs.org

Metropolitan Herpetological Society
c/o Harvey J. Bird Jr.
34 Robinson Ave.
Staten Island, NY 10312
(917) 992-1847
E-mail: admin@metroherpsociety.org

Western New York Herpetological Society
82 Moulton Ave.
Buffalo, NY 14223
(716) 873-2869
E-mail: alisha@wnyherpsociety.org
website: http://www.wnyherpsociety.org


North Carolina Herpetological Society
North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences
11 W. Jones St.
Raleigh, NC 27601-1029
(919) 733-7450, ext. 754, 503, 510 or 751
E-mail: jeff.beane@ncmail.net


Bowling Green State University Herp Club
111 Life Sciences Bldg.
Bowling Green, OH 43403
(419) 372-8564
E-mail: BGSUHerpetologyClub@groups.msn.com

Northern Ohio Association Of Herpetologists (N.O.A.H.)
P.O. BOX 326
Columbia Station, OH 44028
E-mail: contact@noahonline.info

Toledo Herpetological Society
E-mail: toledoherps@gmail.com


Oklahoma City Herpetological Society
Russ Gurley, President
E-mail: russgurley@cableone.net
Website: www.okcherpsociety.com


Central Oregon Herpetology (COR Herp)
E-mail: ilunargecko@yahoo.com

Northwest Herptile Keepers Association (NWHKA)
P.O. Box 2131
Gresham, OR 97030-0611
(503) 661-4664

Oregon Herpetological Society
P.O. Box 70414
Eugene, OR 97401-0122
E-mail: oregon_herpetological@yahoo.com


Philadelphia Herpetological Society
c/o Mark Miller, president
P.O. Box 52261
Philadelphia, PA 19115
E-mail: Mark@Herpetology.com


South Carolina Herpetological Society
P.O. Box 1406
Ladson, SC 29456

The Turtle & Tortoise Society of Charleston
P.O. Box 687
Ladson, SC 29456
(843) 871-6606

Sioux Falls Herpetological Society
Sioux Falls, SD
(712) 212-2227
Email: sfherpsociety@hotmail.com
Website: www.facebook.com/sfherpsociety


Austin Herpetological Society
c/o Deborah Sydney
4500 Williams Drive Ste 212-113
Georgetown, TX 78633
(512) 83-SNAKE
Website: www.austinherpsociety.org

Dallas-Ft. Worth Herpetological Society
P.O. Box 540892
Grand Prairie, TX 75054-0892
(972) 949-4191
E-mail: contact@dfwherp.org

East Texas Herpetological Society (ETHS)
P.O. Box 141
Katy, TX 77492-0141
(281) 354-8483

East Texas Regional Herpetological Society
c/o Dr. Neil Ford, Faculty Advisor
University of Texas at Tyler
3900 University Blvd.
Department of Biology, Science Room 140, Tyler, TX 75799
(903) 566-7202, ext. 7402 or 7249
E-mail: Snakebreeders@yahoo.com

South Texas Herpetology Association
8023 Hill Trails
San Antonio, TX 78250-3008
E-mail: southtxherps@yahoo.com

West Texas Herpetological Society
P.O. Box 60134
San Angelo, TX 76906
(325) 942-0121
E-mail: WTHSmail@aol.com


Virginia Herpetological Society (VHS)
Dept. of Biology, Liberty University
1971 University Blvd.
Lynchburg, VA 24502
Dr. Paul Sattler, sec./treas.
E-mail: psattler@liberty.edu


Pacific Northwest Herpetological Society
P.O. Box 547
Lakebay, WA 98349-0547
(206) 628-4740


Milwaukee Area Herpetological Society (MASH)
10627 W. Michigan St.
Wauwatosa, WI 53226
(414) 607-7276
E-mail: bigsnakeguy@earthlink.net

North East Wisconsin Herpetological Association (NEWHerp)
c/o Porterfield Exotics
N7029A Maple Ln.
Porterfield, WI 54159
(715) 732-4509

Wisconsin Herpetological Society
P.O. Box 55191
Madison, WI 53705-8991
(608) 238-2891
E-mail: wireptileshows@hotmail.com


International Herp Information Society of Saskatchewan (HISS)
Box 621
Leader, Saskatchewan, Canada
(306) 628-3255
E-mail: gobberdane@sasktel.net

Manitoba Herpetocultural Society
Winnipeg, Manitoba
(204) 951-7519
E-Mail: daemon@manitobaherp.com
Website: http://www.manitobaherp.com

Monaro Amphibian and Reptile Keepers
16 Alfred Hill Dr.
Melba, ACT, 2615, Australia

Montreal Herpetological Association
c/o Jesse De Luca
156 Heather Ave.
Pointe-Claire, Quebec, Canada
H9R 3A4
(514) 994-2158
E-mail: jessedeluca@videotron.ca