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Reptile Species Profiles

Snake Species Profiles... Do you want to know more about a certain snake? Or are you thinking of adding a new pet to your collection? You can

Rescued Green Iguana
Care For A Lizard Not Eating
Coral Snake Antivenin In Short Supply
Snake Species Profiles

Snake Species Profiles…

Do you want to know more about a certain snake? Or are you thinking of adding a new pet to your collection? You can view any of a variety of more than 80 snakes ranging from the kingsnake to the Boa Constrictor to the Ball Python. Each profile provides a range of information, such as size, habitat, feeding habits, ideal living arrangements, and a picture.

Lizard Species Profiles

Lizard Species Profiles…

Features more than 89 lizard species such as the bearded dragon, crested gecko, veiled chameleon, green anole and green iguana. Each lizard profile provides a range of information, such as size, habitat, feeding habits, ideal living arrangements, and a picture.


Turtle & Tortoise Species Profiles

Turtle & Tortoise Species Profiles…

More than 40 species of turtles and tortoises are featured in the Turtle and Tortoise species profile. Some interesting turtles that are covered include eastern box turtle, Hermann’s tortoise, Russian Tortoise, and yellow bellied slider. Each profile includes scientific name, family, adult size, range, and habitat. Also featured are tips on how to set up your turtle enclosure and how to care for and feed them.


Frog/Amphibians Species Profiles

Frog/Amphibian Species Profiles…

ReptileChannel offers more than 30 frog and amphibian species profiles covering some of the more popular and some of the more obscure animals, ranging from the african clawed frog and mandarin newt, to the northern leopard frog and tomato toad. Each profile includes information on the best enclosures specific to the animal, how to care and feed for them, as well as pertinent information such as scientific name, family, adult size, range in the wild and habitat.

Crocodillian Species Profiles

Crocodilian Species Profiles…

The crocodilians are apex predators in their natural habitat, though some have become accustomed to human handouts. The species list includes seven animals, including the American alligator, American crocodile, False Gavial, Morelet’s Crocodile, Nile Crocodile, Saltwater Crocodile, and Spectacled Caiman. Other information on these creatures include scientific name, family, adult size, range and habitat. No information is given on how to keep these animals.