New Editor For <em>REPTILES</em>


New Editor For REPTILES

Would you like to work on REPTILES magazine?

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Combine your love of reptiles with a cushy desk job as an editor for REPTILES magazine!

This is a bummer of a blog to write, and it’s going to be a short one.

Last Friday was the final day for one of my REPTILES magazine editors. Eric Syverson, my now ex-associate editor on REPTILES, gave me something worse than a lump of coal in my stocking for Christmas…he gave me his resignation. I hate resignations! I won’t use this space to deride his ambition to pursue his life elsewhere – he’s still young, curse him — though his deciding to leave does make me wonder if the first stop on his life journey should be to a neurologist for a brain scan. After all, how could anyone in their right mind want to leave REPTILES magazine? And having me as a boss…you can just imagine how much fun that is, can’t you? CAN’T YOU?!? Why would someone not want that?

All kidding aside, Eric was an exemplary employee and I wish him all the best. We’ll miss him a lot around here.

Eric’s departure leaves a gaping hole in my staff, and I thought I might as well use my blog space to link to the REPTILES associate editor job posting in case anyone reading this is interested in applying for the job. I once wrote a blog about what it’s like being an editor on REPTILES. Perhaps this would scare people away from applying, but if you’re curious about the job, give that blog another read. I remember some of you commenting that no way would the position be a good fit for you, but I’m wondering if maybe it would be a good fit for others.

Go here to read job listings on the BowTie Inc. website, and to learn how to apply. The actual REPTILES associate editor listing, which you will see in a list of other job openings, includes the necessary qualifications you need to possess in order to be considered for the position.

To anyone who is sincerely interested, good luck! Maybe we’ll be having an interview in my office in the near future.

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