
Let The Adventure Begin!

Herpers have the best stories. If you’ve ever attended an expo and had the opportunity to speak with one, chances are that you’ve been regaled with numerous tales of excitement and adventure.

The European Green Toad
2008 REPTILES Articles Index
2010 REPTILES Article Index

Herpers have the best stories. If you’ve ever attended an expo and had the opportunity to speak with one, chances are that you’ve been regaled with numerous tales of excitement and adventure. Those who travel to far-off lands to see reptiles and amphibians in their natural environments are a special breed. They cross terrain ranging from desert to rain forest, all in the name of getting that great photo and interacting with the animals they enjoy.

This month, expert herper Karl-Heinz Switak takes us down the Amazon River to experience an amazing number of herp sightings along with a few hair-raising moments. Turn to page 32 to read all about it, but keep a change of underwear handy.

For the stay-at-home herper, we have a great article about protecting your collection from natural disasters. All too often, a blizzard, ice storm or other disaster may hit with little or no warning, and those who have a large number of reptiles are forced to improvise as they struggle to keep their animals warm and safe. For time-proven tips on how to do so, turn to page 54 and start your survival checklist now.

Join the adventure! Even if you can’t jet off to a tropical locale  you can find a herp expo near you and learn from herpers who have had such experiences. Turn to page 60, and find out which expos are coming to your town.