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February 2008 Editor’s Note

New magazine redesign and website.

USFWS Lists Candidates For Endangered Species Act
Herping The Pearl
History and Facts About Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis

Frenzy is a word that could describe the scene within the offices of REPTILES over the past few months.

First there was the magazine’s redesign. Kudos, by the way, go to Véronique Bos, who slaved over a hot Mac computer for days in her efforts to produce a new look that everyone here liked. This is no small task when you’ve got a fair number of cooks who can spoil the broth, but Véro forged ahead and the look of the magazine is greatly improved thanks to her perseverance and talent.

In addition to redesigning the magazine, we’ve been hard at work launching our new website, ReptileChannel.com. You may have noticed the box that appeared on the table of contents last issue. It mentioned the site, which was the first inkling that it was on its way.

Everything from our original site, www.reptilesmagazine.com, can now be found on ReptileChannel — the message boards, REPTILES article archives, veterinarian Marge Wissman’s column and everything else. But there’s now a lot more to interest reptile fans in addition to these past favorites.

The species profiles have been beefed up and re-formatted, and many additional species have been newly added, everything from sea turtles to tuataras. There’s “Club Reptile,” where users can set up Web pages for their favorite pet herps. There’s kid stuff, too, including coloring pages, puzzles and “Herptoons.” You’ll also find eCards featuring reptiles, which you can send to friends and family. There’s even a “Feed the Beardie” interactive game. I dare you to not get addicted to it.

Be sure to check out ReptileChannel.com for tons of reptile-related fun!