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SEWERFest Reptile Show You don’t have to go to a really big reptile show to have an enjoyable experience, take SEWERFest 2010 for example.

Invasion Of The Salad Toad
The Fortress Of Solitoad
Memorable Herps From The Past

Kristin Van Alstine - SEWERFest Reptile Show SEWERFest Reptile Show
You don’t have to go to a really big reptile show to have an enjoyable experience, take SEWERFest 2010 for example.
october 4, 2010
Kristin Van Alstine - Toad Dreams Toad Dreams
An analysis of my toad dreams.
july 16, 2010
Kristin Van Alstine - Toad Overload Toad Overload
Memories of an American toad tadpole and toadlet overload.
june 1, 2010
Kristin Van Alstine - Smoking Snakes Smoking Snakes
Snakes smoking cigarettes is a growing problem within the herping community.
may 11, 2010
Kristin Van Alstine - Spring Toads Spring Toads
Spring comes to Toad Town.
april 15, 2010
Kristin Van Alstine - Frog-Eyed Geckos Frog-Eyed Geckos
Meet my new frog-eyed friends.
march 26, 2010
Kristin Van Alstine - Tinley Park NARBC February 2010 Tinley Park NARBC February 2010
Hopefully you didn’t miss the February 2010 Tinley Park NARBC!
february 26, 2010
Kristin Van Alstine - Bufo the Destroyer Bufo the Destroyer
“Beelzebufo” the giant, dinosaur-eating frog species.
January 18, 2010
Kristin Van Alstine - The Toad Talker Twitter The Toad Talker Twitter
The Toad Talker, is now on Twitter!
december 31, 2009
Kristin Van Alstine - American Toad American Toad
The tale of the tiny toad.
december 25, 2009