Creature Caption Archive


Creature Caption Archive

Creature Caption Contest Winners Check out the winning photo captions for the Creature Caption Contest. Congratulations To The Winners

Reptiles Magazine 1104
How To Build A Caiman Cage
Reptile Shedding Problems

Creature Caption Contest Winners

Check out the winning photo captions for the Creature Caption Contest.

Congratulations To The Winners Of ReptileChannel's Creature Caption Contest!

Caption winners were judged based on three criteria:
1. Creativity
2. Originality and Style
3. Cohesiveness with Image

To enter the current contest, or submit a photo, please click on the buttons below.

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ReptileChannel Creature Caption May 2012

Winning Caption:

What? A leash? It's almost as if you WANT me to get eaten!

ReptileChannel Creature Caption April 2012

Winning Caption:

Sweetie it don't matter if you're plastic I still love you.

ReptileChannel Creature Caption March 2012

Winning Caption:

That is one sexy turtle swimming with me!

ReptileChannel Creature Caption October 2012

Winning Caption:

Wow, this is a MUCH better workout!

ReptileChannel Creature Caption September 2012

Winning Caption:

Hey, wanna race?

ReptileChannel Creature Caption August 2012

Winning Caption:

These spots WON'T come off!!!

ReptileChannel Creature Caption July 2012

Winning Caption:

Back off! I'm trying to hang ten so MOVE it!

ReptileChannel Creature Caption June 2012

Winning Caption:

Do you Carl take Gloria to be your lawfully wedded wife, To have and to hold, and to share your crickets with?

ReptileChannel Creature Caption November 2012

Winning Caption:

I may be going out on a limb here, but I think they may have left me hanging again.

ReptileChannel Creature Caption March 2013

Winning Caption:

Like This!

ReptileChannel Creature Caption February 2013

Winning Caption:

Voted most likely to not appear on a green screen video.

ReptileChannel Creature Caption January 2013

Winning Caption:

Stick your hand in. I dare you! I double dare you!

ReptileChannel Creature Caption December 2012

Winning Caption:

I'm coming, I'm coming.

ReptileChannel Creature Caption August 2013

Winning Caption:

Hey Leo, that sure is a long way down!

ReptileChannel Creature Caption July 2013

Winning Caption:

A little bit longer please! Thats the best massage ever

ReptileChannel Creature Caption June 2013

Winning Caption:

Put your hand in, I dare you!

ReptileChannel Creature Caption May 2013

Winning Caption:

Awaken I tell you, Awaken!!

ReptileChannel Creature Caption April 2013

Winning Caption:

Outta my way!

ReptileChannel Creature Caption February 2012

Winning Caption:

Fine. . . You can sit there, but there's no way you are getting the TV remote.

ReptileChannel Creature Caption January 2012

Winning Caption:

I told you guys "NOT" to play dominoes.

ReptileChannel Creature Caption December 2011

Winning Caption:

Stay perfectly still. . . his vision is based on movement.

ReptileChannel Creature Caption November 2011

Winning Caption:

Oh great, I bent it . . . my Mom told me to stop playing with it, but did I listen?

 ReptileChannel Creature Caption September 2011

Winning Caption:

Vestigial limbs my a** – I can do push-ups all day on these babies!

ReptileChannel Creature Caption October 2011

Winning Caption:

Staring contest. . . Winning.

 ReptileChannel Creature Caption August 2011

Winning Caption:

Push up fail.

ReptileChannel Creature Caption July 2011

Winning Caption:

He who lives in a glass house should not. . . use thy wall as a pillow.

ReptileChannel Creature Caption June 2011

Winning Caption:

After hours of searching, Jimmy the Cricket found the perfect hiding spot.

ReptileChannel Creature Caption May 2011

Winning Caption:

. . . And now for my impression of a Pez Candy dispenser.

ReptileChannel Creature Caption April 2011

Winning Caption:

You hid the eggs, now tell me where they are.

ReptileChannel Creature Caption March 2011

Winning Caption:

Yes, my dad is Gene Simmons from KISS. How did you know?

ReptileChannel Creature Caption February 2011

Winning Caption:

Momma always said, "Stop and smell the roses … and eat the daisies!"

ReptileChannel Creature Caption January 2011

Winning Caption:

Step back, lagoon. There's a new creature in town.

ReptileChannel Creature Caption December 2010

Winning Caption:

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, An iguana in a pine tree…

ReptileChannel Creature Caption November 2010

Winning Caption:

Do you know how hard it is to just put on a sweater?

ReptileChannel Creature Caption October 2010

Winning Caption:

Food goes in here, HUMAN!

ReptileChannel Creature Caption September 2010

Winning Caption:

Must … reach … ice cream truck!

ReptileChannel Creature Caption August 2010

Winning Caption:

Wait for it, wait for it…

ReptileChannel Creature Caption July 2010

Winning Caption:

This is where the mealworms are, right?

ReptileChannel Creature Caption June 2010

Winning Caption:


ReptileChannel Creature Caption May 2010

Winning Caption:

Does anybody have ChapStick?

ReptileChannel Creature Caption April 2010

Winning Caption:

Nobody panic! I know the Heimlich maneuver!

ReptileChannel Creature Caption March 2010

Winning Caption:

Shed Happens

ReptileChannel Creature Caption February 2010

Winning Caption:

What do you guys mean I was adopted?

ReptileChannel Creature Caption January 2010

Winning Caption:

I need a protein skimmer!

ReptileChannel Creature Caption December 2009

Winning Caption:

Nobody move! I lost a contact

ReptileChannel Creature Caption November 2009

Winning Caption:

Red-eared slider meets red-geared rider.

ReptileChannel Creature Caption October 2009

Winning Caption:

Do you mind? I'm taking a bath!

ReptileChannel Creature Caption September 2009

Winning Caption:

Just smile and wave boys, just smile and wave.

ReptileChannel Creature Caption August 2009

Winning Caption:

I told you we should have got the his and hers sinks

ReptileChannel Creature Caption July 2009

Winning Caption:

Are we there yet?