Costume Contest Deadline Approaching


Costume Contest Deadline Approaching

By Russ Case

New Rat Snake Species Discovered In Eurasia
Brian Barczyk, September 1969-January 2024
The Natural History and Captive Care of the Eastern Hognose Snake

I know it may seem early to think about Halloween, but in the publishing world we have to think way ahead. The downside to this is it makes the year appear to fly by that much faster. Here it is early August and we’re working on the November issue of REPTILES magazine and getting ready to tally the entries in our Halloween reptile costume contest. Weirder yet is because of the way newsstand on-sale dates vs. magazine cover dates vs. actual calendar dates all correlate, the Halloween contest winners will be announced in the January 2010 issue of REPTILES magazine, since that’s the issue that will be out around Halloween this October.

This is one of the weird things about my business.

Anyway, I just wanted to get a quick message up here reminding people about our Herp Halloween Costume Craze Contest. If you or your kids have ever had a photo taken in a reptile-related costume, send us that photo to enter the contest. Or maybe you can get a jump start on this year’s costume and put something together now. You can use it to enter our contest and then wear it come October, killing two birds with one stone (my apologies to sister magazines Bird Talk and Wildbird).

Up for grabs as prizes are $50 gift certificates from Big Apple Pet Supply, LLLReptile,, and, so this is a contest that’s definitely worth entering.

Go here for all you need to know in order to enter the "Herp Halloween Costume Craze!" Contest.

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