
Burmese Python Care Sheet Archived Comments

Nobody answering my question I know bout heat cage and ventilation should be have anything elsePosted by Mud, Mar 22, 2020 09:41 PM Should there be a

Snake Has Repeated Prolapses
Canadian Reptile Show
The Lifeblood Of REPTILES Magazine

Nobody answering my question I know bout heat cage and ventilation should be have anything else
Posted by Mud, Mar 22, 2020 09:41 PM

Should there be anything else in cage like something to hide by or any scenery
Posted by Mud, Mar 22, 2020 09:36 PM

Should there be anything else in tank for it to climb or wrap around
Posted by Mud, Mar 22, 2020 09:35 PM

is it possible to keep roaming free indoors? im not planning on doing that i’m just curious lol
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 23, 2019 10:51 PM

I love Burmese Pythons
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 1, 2018 11:30 AM

Burmese pythons look wonderful. And I thought they were hard to care for. Thanks.
Posted by Anonymous, May 24, 2018 07:08 AM

What type of watt bulb should i use for one of these? Plus should I have a regular bulb on for 12 hours and a red one on for another 12, like a day and night cycle? Or should I just stick with a heating mat? Plus what type of watt for the red bulb?
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 19, 2017 09:51 PM

What type of watt bulb should i use for one of these? Plus should I have a regular bulb on for 12 hours and a red one on for another 12, like a day and night cycle? Or should I just stick with a heating mat? Plus what type of watt for the red bulb?
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 19, 2017 09:50 PM

“””Please I need help I don’t know if my snake is hibernating or sick because it didn’t want to eat and the snake is losing it color””
Sounds like shedding
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 27, 2017 02:57 PM

Please I need help I don’t know if my snake is hibernating or sick because it didn’t want to eat and the snake is losing it color
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 10, 2017 04:34 AM

they need to be spacific because i dont know where to put the snake or what to feed the snake and it is makeing me mad!😡
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 13, 2017 10:25 AM

Posted by Extreme Z., Oct 21, 2016 11:53 AM

I have my 5ft burmese python for 7 months now and this is the first time did not eat for 6 weeks. Is this normal?
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 4, 2016 06:10 PM

im wanting to purchase a male albino burmese baby but the state I live in has ban them. But I can order an anaconda tomorrow if I wanted too. Why are anancondas allowed but not burmese? Stupid people
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 27, 2016 02:30 PM

i recently brought a female to pair with my male and i am so inlove with these large pythons, they have always been my faviourte since i started keeping snakes and since the time i first saw them in the zoo when i was 2, i am a proud owner of a male albino and a female hypo granite
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 19, 2016 02:39 PM

Thank you! I have a baby yellow python called Corn Chip and he is my second snake.
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 9, 2016 06:41 AM

really cool and fun
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 12, 2016 10:36 AM

“To: The commenter about the smell of pythons,
Snakes rarely smell. There are a few species that can emit an odor when scared as a defense, but not burmese pythons. I’ve heard that snakes can emit a slight musky odor when attempting to attract a mate but again it is not too common especially with captive snakes. Obviously there can be an odor when they defecate but if the snake is healthy it is not particularly strong and typically goes away within 30 minutes. I personally have 5 snakes, I have worked with many snakes, and I have friends who breed or rescue and have 20+ snakes. The few times I have smelled anything was immediately after they defecate and only if I was within 2 or 3 feet from them. If you experienced a strong foul odor the snakes were being improperly kept or very sick. If their enclosures are not kept clean then yes they can smell from bacteria and dirt build-up in the substrate or decor but even that is not easy to do. Depending on how intricately detailed the enclosure is (the more cracks and crevices such as on branches or vegetation, the quicker dirt and bacteria will build-up and grow) it usually takes very minimal clean-up; spot-clean whenever they defecate, clean the water dish weekly, and change the substrate/wash decor every few weeks or monthly. The only other smelly thing in regards to snakes is their food. Keeping a large number of feeder rodents is quite smelly as rats and mice (as much as I love them) do smell pretty bad especially if their enclosures are not cleaned very often but frozen rodents don’t smell and you don’t have to keep a large number of live rodents for only a few snakes, just pick up what you are going to use and feed your snake on the same day. SO, the point is unless you are dead-set on breeding a lot of feeders, smell shouldn’t deter you from pythons! Usually stores that keep a large number of snakes will breed rodents so either that is what you were smelling or they never cleaned any of their reptile enclosures.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 24, 2016 02:31 PM

I am worried that i may have caused damage to my granite Burmese pythons mouth by feeding it a cornish hen. The snake is 5.5 feet long, and it did eat the chicken thawed and warmed up, but it was a struggle. Now it the snakes mouth looks damaged i guess i should have cut the leggs off the chicken first, do you have any advice on.this.matter.?
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 5, 2016 11:00 PM

what coloured bulb is best to use? i see a lot of people with burms using red bulbs?
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 4, 2016 03:05 PM

I just wish there was an alternative diet for Burmese pythons. I walked into a snake shop selling almost exclusively Burmese and retic pythons as Im a fan but the smell the horrific smell of it all reminded me why I stopped keeping pyhthons. Plus the live animals and their stench just all too much. Wonder if you cant get them to eat dried dog food or soemthing, would be nice.
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 16, 2015 04:14 AM

“I never realized that a baby Burmese could eat an adult mouse on its first eating. I just purchased a python and knowing this will definitely help me to take care of him better. Hopefully, I will be able to care for him for a long time.
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 15, 2015 03:44 PM