Author: Anthony Pierlioni
Spider Tortoise Care And Breeding
Spider tortoises are not a species for beginners. They require a brumation that is an important part of their biology, for specimens of all ages and i [...]
Keeping And Breeding The African Dwarf Mud Turtle
The African dwarf mud turtle, Pelusios nanus, has been sporadically imported into the United States for the past eight years, making it one of the new [...]
Chinese Box Turtle Care And Breeding
Cuora flavomarginata is also known as the snake-eating turtle. [...]
Striped Mud Turtle Care And Breeding
The striped mud turtle is a small aquatic turtle that generally does not reach more than four inches (10cm) in straight carapace length (SCL). [...]

Working With The Rare Ryukyu Black-breasted Leaf Turtle
The Japanese government thought so highly of the unique and beautiful Ryukyu black-breasted leaf turtle (Geoemyda japonica) that the turtle was design [...]

The Vietnamese Black-breasted Leaf Turtle
One look into its distinctive eyes and you’ll be charmed by Geoemyda spengleri. [...]
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