
Crested Gecko Care Sheet Archived Comments

To the girl who asked for prices well on amazon if you buy everything for them (tank,food,plants/logs,food bowls,etc) that costs about £250 in england

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To the girl who asked for prices well on amazon if you buy everything for them (tank,food,plants/logs,food bowls,etc) that costs about £250 in england and a bit pricier in america and where im getting my gecko from there £60 (about $70) but it might be cheaper so in conclusion in can cost between £250-£350 in england ($260-$360)
Posted by erinbear, Mar 11, 2020 07:25 AM

If my room gets down to 50s at night, should I leave the heat lamp on and have the tank stay at 80 degrees or turn it off and have him be in 50 degrees. New gecko owner here 🙂
Posted by emmys10034, Oct 27, 2019 09:24 PM

Is a fogger a good recomendation for a year old female crested gecko?
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 21, 2019 04:50 PM

Bro this is my school work do i look like i wanna learn about a gecko?
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 12, 2019 06:41 PM

So I’m thinking of getting a crested gecko, and I’m curious about how much the total might be spent on caring for a crested gecko… If there is any advice… just say “Beluga”
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 16, 2019 12:55 PM

What should you do if your crested gecko loses its tail. should you leave it there, bring it to the vet, or take the tail out?
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 10, 2019 07:53 PM

“to the 14yo with the 10gal tank.
as a hobbiest animal “”collector”” on a budget I have found scouring craigslist, fb marketplace, and even garage sales to be good places to find free or cheap tanks. also twice a year petsmart has a $1 per gal sale for all tanks 1 to 55gals, usually in the spring and fall.
good luck!
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 10, 2019 02:20 AM

Uhh so I might be getting a crested gecko and I’m buying him with my own money (I’m 14) I’ve done a lot of research but i only have a 10 gallon tank and i was planning on getting an adult but i don’t have the money to get a new tank what should i do?
Posted by Anonymous, May 23, 2019 07:59 AM

So, I might be getting a Crested Gecko and I know when they get spooked they drop their tails so if the gecko does drop it’s tail what do I do with it?
Posted by Anonymous, May 22, 2019 05:21 PM

Uhh so I might be getting a crested gecko and I’m buying him with my own money (I’m 14) I’ve done a lot of research but i only have a 10 gallon tank and i was planning on getting an adult but i don’t have the money to get a new tank what should i do?
Posted by Anonymous, May 22, 2019 07:57 AM

What would be the best primary food for a crested gecko?
Posted by Anonymous, May 20, 2019 03:08 PM

What would be the best primary food for a crested gecko?
Posted by Anonymous, May 20, 2019 02:06 PM

What would be the best primary food for a crested gecko?
Posted by Anonymous, May 19, 2019 09:00 PM

The person under me, although they do fall of due to stress, it is very common for your Crested gecko to drop its tail. Not about this topic, LIVE INSECTS SHOULD NOT BE PRIMARY DIET! 😡😂
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 28, 2019 06:31 AM

Posted by Anonymous, Apr 15, 2019 09:50 AM

Posted by Anonymous, Apr 15, 2019 09:49 AM

I really want one of these cute guys. I have done research, and if I write a good persuasive essay about why she should let me have one, Mom will let me try to find a breeder! Wish me luck, I was so happy to discover that diet. I have found others using it and I’m so excited
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 4, 2019 08:18 AM

also my friend got a crested gecko yesterday (baby crested) after doing MONTHS of research
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 20, 2019 08:11 PM

“I am 10 and I have bought (with my own money) to crested geckos and a snow leopard gecko
MY boy crest’s name is Spot and the girls is Rose
my Leopard geckos name is Narci which is short for Narcissist
my leopard is still a baby and my cresti’s are adults.
I think gecko’s are amazing!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 20, 2019 08:09 PM

If you get a crested gecko from petsmart you might have to feed crickets to the youth. In nature they dont eat fruit until harvest season after they are nearly a year old. So if they are started on crickets they might only accept crickets. I learned after my juvenile almost died listening to the rapashie diet. He wanted and needed protein to grow now he eats mango and rapashie after a year of development
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 3, 2019 01:25 PM

Mine is an answer if u put warm water on a paper towel and when lifting gecko out of tank put them on the warm wet paper towel and they will pee so he doesn’t get on you. Then throw the paper towel away go back and take ur gecko out of tank. If it’s not eating try putting a little food on ur finger most crested geckos will lick the paste from ur finger. ❤️😍 TEE
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 20, 2019 09:21 AM

I want a crested gecko so bad my parents keep saying no but that’s what they said about my 2 dogs and 2 cats so they’ll probably eventually give in I actually want to become a herpetoligist so taking care of a crested gecko might be the right thing to do to achieve my dream.
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 17, 2019 07:38 PM

“I recently got a baby creator with no tail from pet smart(yes I understand its not good but its all I could afford) is it normal for them to have no tails?
recently I also started to handle him as I got him a month ago and he peed on me. normal or not?
and and not dome yet, he won’t eat.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 26, 2019 12:27 PM

Love my creatives def recommend getting one
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 15, 2019 07:17 PM

I am 14 and I had been wanting a pet of my own for a while so I asked my parents if I could get a Leopard Gecko and they thought I was joking but after a month of just nagging them for one they finally allowed me to get one. It took me a while to save up the money but it was worth it. About 3 months ago I was looking for another reptile to get and that’s when I came across Crested Geckos. I just thought they looked so cool. So I saved up and got one. His name is Mushu and I got him about a week ago. I’ve been afraid that he might not eat but when I got my Leopard Gecko she didn’t eat for about a month. So I think I might be paranoid but honestly he is so cute and I love him. And I totally suggest getting one.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 13, 2019 03:10 PM

Posted by Anonymous, Jan 10, 2019 12:45 PM

Posted by Anonymous, Dec 29, 2018 11:00 PM

My girlfriend just gave me a crested yesterday for Christmas. She knew I had been wanting another gecko since the sick fat-tail gecko I was trying to save didn’t make it sadly. They grow on you so fast 🙂 I already smile every time he looks at me with that permanent grin.
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 26, 2018 10:24 PM

hello why are gargoyle geckos sometimes fat?
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 19, 2018 08:52 PM

could I put a frog in a crested gecko tank?
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 10, 2018 05:43 PM

I just got my Crested Gecko over a month ago and it’s honestly been a joy. They’re so easy to take care of and super fun to be around.
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 4, 2018 12:58 PM

I just got my Crested Gecko over a month ago and it’s honestly been a joy. They’re so easy to take care of and super fun to be around.
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 4, 2018 12:58 PM

Hi wold you recommend crested geckos for children say maybe 10 year olds?
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 17, 2018 12:23 AM

I have 2 crested geckos and I love them to death. I originally had one, but my friend at school had one and she lost her tail so she gave her to me because she didn’t want her. (ikr kinda shallow) Anyways, I love both of them equally. Great animals, super easy to care for.
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 1, 2018 02:10 PM


Posted by Anonymous, Oct 11, 2018 07:29 PM

Yo, that sound like a personal problem my dude !
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 12, 2018 12:22 AM

pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppprfbrhfbejgeq,arghtjvbsjrhvbjgdkvbgfjh bfgjbmvsvybdtvbsumvybmuvhbrhvbryhrbyuenfrhbvryvgbrhbvryhvbryhvrybhvrhbvyrhvbryhvyrbhvrbhvfbvyryhvfvryfhbvrybfhvryhvbrfvybhrbfrhvbrfvyhfbvyrvyrybhfvrybfhbvryhfbvryfhbvrhfvybrhvryfbhvfhbbvrybhvhrhvrhvrvybfvfhvbryfhvnbhfuvrhfbvruhvew,hfbgthrycferxcdwsxdsedsewsdwswsewdswesdesdesrdfefrtfguhyujhiuikoiklhhhh
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 24, 2018 03:39 PM

“I got my daughter a crested gecko for her birthday Saturday. She did research months before, and her dad has a friend with them as well. I decided to do some research to help her figure out when you should introduce crickets to a new younger crestie the we just got Saturday?
Also your info was the first one I read that said not to handle them for first few weeks, well…she has been handling him, is that bad? And if she stops and waits will that still work to let him settle?
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 20, 2018 01:08 AM

Question. There was this chameleon at a local petco which we were thinking of adopting (maybe). I was wondering if it would be possible to house a crested gecko ( that I already own) with a chameleon in the big screen cage. I wouldn’t want to try it unless there was no risk but I figured I would ask
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 10, 2018 03:01 PM

We are newbie crested gecko owners. He’s a little guy; maybe 3″ long. Is a 20 gallon long too big? What substrate? We are using the zoo med reptibark; is this too much? Should we downsize and use a simple substrate? Thanks
Posted by lizzaboy, Aug 5, 2018 08:29 PM

I maybe spent $200 on the setup. I have a tall terrarium (maybe 18x18x24 tall) with side and top ventilation and a front opening glass door from NatGeo. It has driftwood and artificial vines on reptile carpet. A dual light hood: one side is attached to a timer and the other has a ceramic heat lamp in it. The same room also has my fish tank so natural humidification but I still has spray them every morning when I feed the fish. They (one male and one female) have done well now for about 6 years. I even get eggs on occasion although I don’t have a nesting box and haven’t tried to hatch them.
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 25, 2018 03:27 PM

I have a 36″ x 36″ x 18″, exo terra large, extra tall set up for my two cresties, one male and the other female. I have two very tall and bushy ficus benjaminas and three lower shrubby terrarium plants, terrarium soil with silvertails covered by frog moss, a mister set to mist every two hours for 20 seconds worth of spray. I feed the two cresties pangia and repashy mixes and offer them some calcium dusted crickets 1 or 2 times per week. I may get one other female but there is so much room in their tank that they really can live separate lives with only bumping into each other occasionally. The male is a darker mossy green with a blackish stripe and the female is a lighter gray/yellow with a bold white stripe. Love being their care taker.
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 25, 2018 12:58 AM

“Crested Geckos have a very great personality. They are wonderful pals and I Absolutely adore my crestie. He’s 7 months old and has a huge personality. He Loves hanging out with me on my hand and exploring my place (Don’t worry, I’m always heavily supervising him to make sure he is Ok when out). I use pangea crested gecko diet that also works very well.

They are just as personable as bearded dragons, tegus or blue tongue skinks. They really are great animals.
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 22, 2018 10:17 AM

“I Love my Crestie. 🙂 He’s been thriving and been doing very well. My four bearded dragons are also very healthy and happy. 😀 and yes I do have the proper setups and substrates for my animals.

My beardies all have a Reptisun 10.0 T5HO tube bulb and a non colored basking spot. They also aren’t on a particle substrate. I Use tile which also works great. 🙂

*Always do your research!!*

I Love this website and it’s been very helpful
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 22, 2018 10:12 AM

My pp hurts
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 18, 2018 08:03 PM

Posted by Anonymous, Jun 17, 2018 07:20 PM

“So I see a few questions that I though I would answer on here
1. Crested geckos should never roam free around the house nor should really any lizard unless the room is safe and they have supervision. If you need to convince your parents the best way to do it is present them with the information and be able to answer all questions cresties are quite easy to care for.
2. I do not recommend housing two cresties together unless for breeding purposes. They are solitary animals and do not enjoy each others company and will not get lonely. They can stress each other out a lot and it can cause serious health issues.
3. NEVER keep a baby and adult together
4. You should not feed your crestie worms. Crickets and dubia roaches are best because worms are very hard for them to digest.
5. You may not see your crestie eating but if they are pooping they are eating!
6. Do not handle your gecko for the first two weeks. It may be tempting but they need to settle in.
Hope this helps!
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 8, 2018 01:20 PM

how come this is not linked to a buying site because i would buy tons
Posted by Anonymous, May 15, 2018 02:53 PM

How can you sex a crested gecko? And also it says you can house male and females together but house separately to try and avoid them losing their tail. Is this necessary? I’d really like them to keep their tails.
Posted by Anonymous, May 14, 2018 01:24 PM

but 200$ to 400$ is the max happiness to me.
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 30, 2018 08:40 PM

the whole setup costs about 200$ to 400$ too.thats what I’ve done and my crested eyelash gecko is super happy! and so am i.
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 30, 2018 08:35 PM

just got a crested gecko and I love it! I can’t wait until it grows up so I can play with it. kinda freaked out though. its a baby and it needs to adjust so it won’t eat when I’m around so I’m kinda worried. but they are really awesome!!
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 30, 2018 08:25 PM

Okay so I really want a crested gecko, I’ve seen videos and looked up on what they need and how to take care of them. But the thing is is that my mom says she had a lizard and they roam all over the place, and we can’t have any other animals in the house. Well are lizards and crested geckos different and are they easy to take care of? I can’t talk to her about her lizard and about how she took care of it, or she will get mad again. What do I do to convince her to get me a crested gecko for my 16th birthday? Someone please help me, I really want one and have been for 3 years!
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 25, 2018 02:10 PM

So if I get a crested gecko, let’s say last Wednesday then I should wait close to two weeks before I handle it at all? Or can I take it out to give it crickets?
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 24, 2018 08:53 AM

Do Crested Geckos eat fruit flies? Or, Conversely is it bad for Crested Geckos to eat fruit flies?
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 17, 2018 02:46 PM

There are differences between the crested and gargoyle gecko care sheets in the sections on feeding, tails, and handling/temperament. Otherwise they are identical.
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 20, 2018 09:23 AM

this is pretty ,much the same care sheet as the gargoyle gecko? is all of it the same?
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 18, 2018 03:52 PM

This article/ web site has been very helpful for learning about taking good care of crested geckos .
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 20, 2018 12:08 PM

“Could I feed it earth worms?
and would it be safe to feed it stuff i catch in my yard? Thanks!
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 12, 2018 03:31 PM

As per multiple other websites it is stated that the ideal temperature for Crested Geckos is 70-78 degrees, anything over 78 degrees can cause heatstroke. Please explain why your site states 78-80 degrees.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 8, 2018 09:45 AM

I think Leopard Geckos would be better to take care of since you don’t need to mist them ever or anything, they’re tails dont fall off as easily too.
Posted by Ashykitty1422, Jan 6, 2018 08:46 PM

I love this magazine I can research so many reptiles to possibly buy another reptile!!
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 3, 2018 02:57 PM

““Which is better a crested gecko or a leopard gecko? I have been wanting to get a leopard gecko, but my mom said she met someone who has had both types and apparently crested geckos are better.”
This is all on personal preference but I personally say that crested geckos are easier to care and don’t take up that much space. You’d want a taller cage instead of a longer cage like Leo’s need. Mist them once or twice a day and feed them repashy and give them new repashy every two days and they will drink off of the misted water you sprayed. And that’s all you need for a crestie.
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 30, 2017 05:43 PM

““My new eyelashes crusted gecko is sleeping a lot and I don’t think he’s eating or drinking”
Created geckos are nocturnal so you will not see them being active or eating during the day. If you stay up late I’m sure you sure him get up and eat. If you still don’t see him eating for about a week take him to a vet.
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 30, 2017 05:37 PM

““With the Repashy Superfoods “Crested Gecko” Diet do you still have to feed it live insects?
It’s not necessary but they will appreciate live insects about twice a week 🙂
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 30, 2017 05:33 PM

““Can you keep a 2 year old male and a baby(as in a baby I’m saying one that you you buy straight from the pet store) crested gecko in the same cage?”
No. 1 the male will try to eat it because something that small would be registered as food. And 2 if the baby that you get happens to be a male they will fight to the death and if it’s a female the male will pester the female too much and cause her unnecessary stress.
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 30, 2017 05:32 PM

My new eyelashes crusted gecko is sleeping a lot and I don’t think he’s eating or drinking
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 22, 2017 06:04 PM

“With the Repashy Superfoods “Crested Gecko” Diet do you still have to feed it live insects?
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 4, 2017 08:57 AM

Can you keep a 2 year old male and a baby(as in a baby I’m saying one that you you buy straight from the pet store) crested gecko in the same cage?
Posted by bluebell16, Nov 30, 2017 05:46 PM

I’m begging my parents for a crested gecko for years, I know everything on caring for them, feeding, and habits and tips. The only thing preventing me to get one is that I don’t have the money, and my parents don’t see how amazing crested geckos are. How do I convince them?
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 8, 2017 08:04 PM

“””My crested gecko doesn’t want to climb the trees anymore it just lays in the dirt and if I put her in the trees she just goes right back to the dirt.
I feed her repashy at night and add a little calcium to it as they told me to do at the pet store.
And she doesn’t really want to be handled very much she mover her head really fast it freaks you out,that is new too.
Please help I have no clue what is going on with her.
Ps my tank is perfect temp and stuff for her to climb.””

Ashley, I think your gecko simply grew up.
When they’re young, crested geckos will jump around and climb things, but as they get older they get lazier. She’s just older now and she doesn’t want to play anymore.
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 21, 2017 02:23 PM

Does anyone know how to convince your parents how to get a crested gecko? I really want one. Also does anyone know where you can get the calcium stuff to cover its food in? PLZZZZZZ HELP ME!!!
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 5, 2017 11:00 AM

Which is better a crested gecko or a leopard gecko? I have been wanting to get a leopard gecko, but my mom said she met someone who has had both types and apparently crested geckos are better.
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 16, 2017 12:59 PM

I have a female who is laying 2 eggs every 4-6 weeks for the past 6 months. I have had her since hatchling size and she has never been with a male. She seems to put on some weight then immediately drop the eggs. I have also noticed that when handling her she seems to be sensitive around the tail area after dropping the eggs (full tail still attached). Has anybody else experienced this? should I take her to the vet? What should I ask them to look out for?
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 11, 2017 02:24 AM

“My crested gecko doesn’t want to climb the trees anymore it just lays in the dirt and if I put her in the trees she just goes right back to the dirt.
I feed her repashy at night and add a little calcium to it as they told me to do at the pet store.
And she doesn’t really want to be handled very much she mover her head really fast it freaks you out,that is new too.
Please help I have no clue what is going on with her.
Ps my tank is perfect temp and stuff for her to climb.
Posted by Ashley, May 29, 2017 01:04 AM

do you have to spray the gecko’s cage and how often
Posted by Anonymous, May 16, 2017 01:00 PM

“””I have two crested geckos and one of them is having complications. It is having trouble moving around and it has been leaning its head against the terrarium vertically. She has alot of trouble climbing up the side and she has little interest in food. She often sits with her mouth wide open and ive been giving her a supplement. Ive been to petco and ive asked them but i cant seem to get help for it and i dont know what to do. She’s pooped but had no interest in even fully pushing it out and i had to assist her. PLEASE HELP””

I’m no expert but your gecko might have eaten something that was hard to digest, which can happen if they bite at your substrate such as coconut fiber eating coconut substrate is not dangerous to them) and have trouble digesting, just have water available. This should stop after its out of its system.
Again I have no expert knowledge of what could be wrong, I hope your gecko is alive and healthy since its been a month from your post.

God bless 🙂
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 28, 2017 04:24 PM

“””I have two crested geckos and one of them is having complications. It is having trouble moving around and it has been leaning its head against the terrarium vertically. She has alot of trouble climbing up the side and she has little interest in food. She often sits with her mouth wide open and ive been giving her a supplement. Ive been to petco and ive asked them but i cant seem to get help for it and i dont know what to do. She’s pooped but had no interest in even fully pushing it out and i had to assist her. PLEASE HELP””

I’m no expert but your gecko might have eaten something that was hard to digest, which can happen if they bite at your substrate such as coconut fiber eating coconut substrate is not dangerous to them) and have trouble digesting, just have water available. This should stop after its out of its system.
Again I have no expert knowledge of what could be wrong, I hope your gecko is alive and healthy since its been a month from your post.

God bless 🙂
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 27, 2017 10:28 PM

I have two crested geckos and one of them is having complications. It is having trouble moving around and it has been leaning its head against the terrarium vertically. She has alot of trouble climbing up the side and she has little interest in food. She often sits with her mouth wide open and ive been giving her a supplement. Ive been to petco and ive asked them but i cant seem to get help for it and i dont know what to do. She’s pooped but had no interest in even fully pushing it out and i had to assist her. PLEASE HELP
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 26, 2017 10:53 PM

“””Our crested gecko used to eat Pangea crested gecko food along with life crickets, but about half a year ago he stopped eating Pangea food completely, and would rather eat nothing for days than touch his food dish. We tried different flavors of Pangea gecko food, as well as different color dishes. Still, he wouldn’t touch anything except for crickets. Can a crested gecko survive exclusively on crickets? Is there any way to make him eat plant based food again?””

Crickets should be used as more of a snack, treat, type food. Too many crickets can be unhealthy.

(Sources: A crested gecko owner of a few years)
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 24, 2017 06:37 PM

Our crested gecko used to eat Pangea crested gecko food along with life crickets, but about half a year ago he stopped eating Pangea food completely, and would rather eat nothing for days than touch his food dish. We tried different flavors of Pangea gecko food, as well as different color dishes. Still, he wouldn’t touch anything except for crickets. Can a crested gecko survive exclusively on crickets? Is there any way to make him eat plant based food again?
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 21, 2017 11:04 AM

Our crested gecko used to eat Pangea crested gecko food along with life crickets, but about half a year ago he stopped eating Pangea food completely, and would rather eat nothing for days than touch his food dish. We tried different flavors of Pangea gecko food, as well as different color dishes. Still, he wouldn’t touch anything except for crickets. Can a crested gecko survive exclusively on crickets? Is there any way to make him eat plant based food again?
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 21, 2017 10:43 AM

According to all known laws of Reptiliation, there is no way for a Crested Gecko to self regulated body temperature, getting to cold would make it slow and dull, therefore not moving and ending in a dead Gecko. the Gecko however regulates his own body temperature because the gecko, doesn’t care what the human thinks is impossible
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 27, 2017 07:58 AM

i have a crested gecko female her name is molly. i noticed today that molly has been hanging out on her branch all day and has not moved at all. as i took a closer look i noticed that molly has a white line vertical in her right eye. what could this be? do i need to find a special vet to treat her?
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 25, 2017 07:01 PM

“I keep and breed crested geckos and I choose to feed dubia roaches along with a complete diet like pangea and Black panther Zoological . You can find cool pictures of my crested geckos and great advice keeping crested geckos on my facebook page www.facebook.com/seraphiccrestedgeckos/


1. Dubia Roaches can’t infest your home like a “”german”” cockroach.
Dubias are tropical and need heat and moisture in order to grow, live and breed.

2. Dubia Roaches are a clean feeder insect. Compared to other commonly kept and bred feeders, such as crickets or mealworms, dubia roaches have virtually no odor when kept clean, and are quite neat for bugs!

3. Dubia Roaches do not climb or fly! Unlike crickets, roaches are much easier to contain. Unless you knock the container over or spill some, dubia roaches are very unlikely to escape. Josh’s frogs makes a product called Josh’s Frogs Bug Off and it can be applied to the rim of the enclosure to make sure your roaches stay where they’re supposed to.

4. Dubia roaches are also very easy to breed, and breed quickly! This ability to maintain a small colony of bugs at home that can produce several hundred feeder roaches a month is very appealing for small to mid sized hobbyists.

5. Dubia roaches are nutritious. Properly fed dubia roaches have more protein (22% vs 15%) and calcium than most other commonly available feeder insects. Dubia roaches also have about 1/3rd the amount of chitin compared to crickets, making them much more digestible.
*~*VERY IMPORTANT TIP*~* Make sure ANY chow you are buying or making for them has NO ANIMAL PROTEIN which means, no cat food, dog food, fish food, turtle food, chicken feed (doesnt matter if its vegan.) Animal protein makes the dubia produce uric acid….which makes them stinks AND is harmful to your reptiles over time.

6. Dubia roaches have a longer digestive track and slower metabolism which means they can hold a gutload for longer than a cricket.

7. Dubia roaches come in a wide variety of sizes. From less than 1/4” long nymphs to 2” females, dubia roaches can be raised to the perfect size for your pets. From nymph to full grown adult take about 5-6 months, depending on temperature.

8. Dubia roaches don’t carry parasites that can infest your reptile.

9. They don’t make noise all night long like a cricket.

10. Dubia roaches live a long time…. 2 1/2 years maybe longer
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 12, 2017 11:44 PM

“We have 2 crested geckos being kept separately at the moment as one did not seem to be eating as well (plus we have not been able to sex them yet).
They are both on repashy exclusively and have been since hatched. We have been keeping the one in the viv on the coir provided in the set up but have been considering switching to moss. From what I have been reading a moss and soil mix would be best.
I just wondered if it’s practical to mix the Moss with the coir or if this will cause complications?
My husband uses the Moss to keep his toad and has once again hydrated too much for what he needed.
I also read that they should not be kept on coir until they are at least 8g (I don’t think either of our are currently 8g but will have to check them when I clear the out in the morning).

Dies anyone have any advice?
Posted by Chewitt9615, Dec 23, 2016 12:36 PM

So im taking care of a crested gecko at my school I was wondering if there are any tips that I could have>???
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 29, 2016 07:20 PM

IM TAKING CARE OF A CRESTED GECKO AT SCHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL SO>>>> ANY 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Posted by Anonymous, Nov 29, 2016 07:18 PM

Yea you’re crestie should be fine as long as you keep up with proper humidity(which I’m sure you’re familiar with since you own chameleons). Live plants in the terrarium would be the best choice! Good luck!
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 19, 2016 06:35 PM

I have a new crested gecko and he is a love bug. I have panther chameleons, bearded dragon and several Anoles. Over the years I’ve had several other species as well.This is my first experience with a crested he’s considered “baby/juvenile” mot a hatchling. Would a crested gecko do well in a chameleon habitat, all sides screen and very vertical? I have a 16″ x 16″ x 36″ chameleon cage not in use and i think from my research that planted/established correctly he would be able to thrive. Any input would be most appreciated. Thank you.
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 17, 2016 03:29 PM

No they should definitely not be housed in a horizontal tank they love to climb and a vertical tank provides that best.
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 24, 2016 07:34 PM

CAn crested Gecko live in a horizontal Terrarium? like re using a big aquarium for it.
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 28, 2016 11:11 AM

Hi! I’ve had a crested gecko since 4 years ago and I’ve tried to handle him, but he always jumps or hides under his rock, I’m scared he’ll escape or loose his tail. What should I do? He has never been handled before.
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 14, 2016 05:09 AM

What do I need for my incubator and what do I need for my baby lizard
Posted by Lizard1breeding, Sep 11, 2016 07:41 AM

I’m going to breed my Crested gecko for the first time I need advice and tips cause I feel like I’m getting my information wroug what do I need to breed
Posted by Lizard1breeding, Sep 11, 2016 07:38 AM

Do crested geckos brumate?
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 4, 2016 03:17 PM

“does anyone feed their cresteds grasshoppers? I bought some for my birdie and was just curious about the crestie?
Posted by Mudy, Sep 2, 2016 06:53 PM

Avocado is fatty so I would avoid feeding it to your crestie. When in doubt just stick with what you know they can eat based on research.
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 15, 2016 11:07 PM

You definetely cannot house a crestie with a leopard gecko. Leopard geckos are desert dwellers and need a very hot and dry environment, cresties need humidity and not as much heat.
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 15, 2016 11:04 PM

“Are you in scandinavia and need reptile supplies? Check this out!
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 13, 2016 06:11 AM

I held one for the first time today and I was surprised how velvety smooth he felt and being disabled I found him relatively easy to handle. As I’m disabled the shop owner sugested an adult as opposed to a baby as they might be too quick for me, but I’ve definately decided to get one as I don’t have to feed this type live insects
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 11, 2016 06:17 PM

How far can crested gecko jump. I have been told at 3 weeks they can jump 4ft is this true?
Posted by Anonymous, May 4, 2016 09:18 PM

How far can crested gecko jump. I have been told at 3 weeks they can jump 4ft is this true?
Posted by Anonymous, May 4, 2016 09:17 PM

crested geckos are amazing!
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 27, 2016 08:28 PM

Is it common for a cresty not to eat for over a week or would he be sick with something?
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 19, 2016 10:52 AM

Posted by Anonymous, Feb 24, 2016 07:22 AM

I love created geckos and I read about them ll the time, but my parents won’t let me get one 🙁
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 22, 2016 09:18 PM

Just ordered Crested from Backwater. Perfect. Just saying…
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 20, 2016 06:11 PM

Please add to your care sheet that Crested Geckos require some UBV lighting.
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 19, 2016 01:46 PM

I agree with the person about Back Water Reptiles, go on youtube and watch the youtube videos, it is pretty terrible to see.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 26, 2016 06:09 AM

do crested geckos need some form of shelter apart from plants
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 19, 2016 11:53 AM

do crested geckos need some form of shelter apart from plants
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 14, 2016 10:44 AM

Can a leopard gecko and a crested gecko be housed together?
Posted by tam4tam5, Jan 11, 2016 08:28 PM

do crested geckos need some form of shelter apart from plants
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 11, 2016 11:53 AM

Josh Dovenbarger is the best Breeder in this business..I have known him.for 10 years..his reptiles are best in health and his breeding..He is genuine and honest..I know personally of his Bearded Dragons and Geicos. He goes under his name and Phantom Dragons..will always give you the best advice and totally honest answers even if you don’t buy from him..Actually I would sum up as “AWESOME”SXFH
Posted by Yoga, Jan 10, 2016 02:44 PM

I really hope I get one! et all our reptiles at herpsalive or midnight dragons.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 4, 2016 07:51 PM

BackWaterReptiles.com is a terrible place to order reptiles. 90% of the reptiles arrive dead or are ill. Don’t buy from there
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 30, 2015 04:17 PM

Posted by Anonymous, Dec 28, 2015 07:16 PM

“My cresty is shedding it skin but is not very active is this normal?

Nick roberts
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 27, 2015 12:50 PM

I love crested geckos!!!! And gargoyles and prehensile tailed geckos!!!! Why did you use all this infomation on the gargoyle gecko care sheet? They don’t loose their tails and have stumps, they regenerate them!
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 21, 2015 04:05 AM

Posted by Anonymous, Dec 20, 2015 12:51 PM

Will crested geckos eat avocado?
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 12, 2015 03:42 PM

Yes there is such a thing as a fancy crested gecko.
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 1, 2015 06:39 AM

BackWaterReptiles.com is my favorite place to buy high quality reptiles.
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 1, 2015 06:37 AM

Is there such thing as a “fancy” Crested Gecko?
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 8, 2015 11:47 PM

I`m going to get my to baby cresties this weekend.
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 28, 2015 05:01 PM

i love all reptiles especially crested geckos and bearded dragons
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 15, 2015 01:28 PM

Crested geckos have cute little faces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 4, 2015 06:17 PM

Crested geckos have cute little faces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 4, 2015 03:36 PM

My pair from BackwaterReptiles.com are doing well and growing uber fast so hopefully I will be able to breed them within 2-3 months.
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 21, 2015 02:37 AM