
Corn Snake Care Sheet Archived Comments

Ok. So I am going to get either a cornsnake or a bearded dragon. I am not sure what to get. I am away from 5 to 2 for school. I do want to be able to

Aldabra Tortoise Care Sheet Archived Comments
Snail-Eating Snake Uses Jaw To Remove Undigestible Part Of Snail Prey
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Ok. So I am going to get either a cornsnake or a bearded dragon. I am not sure what to get. I am away from 5 to 2 for school. I do want to be able to hold my pet. I know that bearded dragons are a lot more work but more friendly. Is this true? I have owned anole lizards before and Jungle was my best friend. He has been gone a few years now and I need a new friend. I would appreciate it if you gave me your opinion on what I should get. Thanks in advance. 🙂
Posted by Anton the Anonymous, Feb 14, 2020 06:59 PM

I have had my Corn Snake since she was 2. She is 24 yrs. old now & still going. She’s had a bulbous sore on her anus for about a yr. now. She is still eating, drinking, going to the bathroom & shedding. I gave her a warm bath last night with olive oil to help her shed her skin that was just coming off in bits. It helped her, as she looks beautiful & not all ashy looking. What I wanted to really know, is when she passes, what process do I do? I’ve HEARD, the kindest way is to put her in a box & into the refrigerator, so she goes to sleep, then put her in the freezer. What are other peoples thoughts about this question? I’d REALLY like some answers. Thank you.
Posted by Barbie, Nov 27, 2019 12:19 PM

Getting a corn snake from a pet store is fine. If you are in the UK consider the RSPCA as they can offer snakes for rehoming to good homes for a small fee. Some breeders advertise on preloved.co.uk and some of the animals look very good.
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 3, 2019 03:30 AM

Where can I get one in Victoria Australia? Really want one.
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 31, 2019 11:22 PM

Can I get one from the pet store or is that not recommended
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 15, 2019 06:49 PM

I have an albino male corn snake and a regular female corn snake that live together only separate when i feed them other than that they dont like being apart
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 3, 2019 12:23 AM

Hi I have a baby corn snake the snake had been eat in the pet shop I let him settle in is new viv but he not eat he as gone 9 days with out eating but is every active but still not eat
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 30, 2019 04:20 PM

Hi I have a baby corn snake the snake had been eat in the pet shop I let him settle in is new viv but he not eat he as gone 9 days with out eating but is every active but still not eat
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 30, 2019 04:18 PM

Hi I have a baby corn snake the snake had been eat in the pet shop I let him settle in is new viv but he not eat he as gone 9 days with out eating but is every active but still not eat
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 30, 2019 04:18 PM

I am getting a corn snake when I save up enough money, and this helped me a lot! Thank you!
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 23, 2019 07:37 AM

Hello. With regard to keeping multiple corns in a single enclosure. I used to do this. I had a mother and daughter in the same enclosure for years until one day I found them fighting, with the daughter almost eating the mother. Now they are in separate enclosures. The mother is about 16 years old and the daughter is about 12. Both living healthy, albeit alone.
Posted by John, Jun 21, 2019 07:01 PM

Hello. With regard to keeping multiple corns in a single enclosure. I used to do this. I had a mother and daughter in the same enclosure for years until one day I found them fighting, with the daughter almost eating the mother. Now they are in separate enclosures. The mother is about 16 years old and the daughter is about 12. Both living healthy, albeit alone.
Posted by John, Jun 21, 2019 06:38 PM

I am trying to find somewhere that addresses having multiple corns to a cage, and this one says that it is stressful, but it’s just so confusing. Everyone has different opinions, like PetSmart thinks that it’s perfectly fine, do it all the time (but to be honest I don’t trust them that much) anywhay I forget how to spell anywhay, Got any Ideas?
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 18, 2019 08:00 AM

Thanks! I’m getting a corn snake after I save up and this really helped!
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 12, 2019 08:58 PM

Thinking about getting a corn snake, this is really helpful and informative! I am sure I definitely want a corn snake now thank you!
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 3, 2019 02:03 AM

Thinking about getting a corn snake, this is really helpful and informative! I am sure I definitely want a corn snake now thank you!
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 2, 2019 04:45 AM

Snake may not eat for several weeks (or months for larger snakes) because have sexually matured and have eggs/ be in heat (if female) or be looking for a female (if male). My ball python would start fasting in Jan or Dec, and not eat again until May. This is probably because female snakes use the same bladder for urine, feces, and eggs, with a single opening to the outside world.
Posted by Anonymous, May 18, 2019 03:26 PM

I just got a corn snake and usually it gets fed 2 mice every Saturday. I was wondering If I can feed it 3 mice every other Saturday instead to help with feeding aggression. Its previous owner didn’t handle it very much so I am having to resocialize it.
Posted by Anonymous, May 4, 2019 11:15 AM

If your snake has not eaten for four weeks he may not be hungry at the moment. It also could be a sign of illness. If he does not start eating soon a trip to the vet is worth looking at. Try not to worry too much as snakes fasting for short periods of time is nothing unusual.
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 27, 2019 02:44 AM

Rats, chicks and small quail are alternatives for corn snakes. Quail eggs can be offered too. Mice really should be included though. Rats are bigger and have more fat than mice so mice are a better choice for corn snakes.
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 27, 2019 02:40 AM

I getting a corn snake this weekend. But the problem is my wife has a strange love for mice. Is there an alternative food source I can give it?
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 6, 2019 04:42 AM

I getting a corn snake this weekend. But the problem is my wife has a strange love for mice. Is there an alternative food source I can give it?
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 6, 2019 04:39 AM

how do i get food for my corn snake?
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 27, 2019 10:44 AM

Hi, we have had a corn snake for just over a year now, and he’s just over 2 years old. He has been eating well, a medium/large mouse once a week. But he has now not eaten for the last 4 weeks. He seems fine and very active. Any advice on why he’s not eating? Thanks.
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 26, 2019 02:27 PM

I am thinking about getting a corn snake and I wanted to know If they recognize chicken as food, because we have neighbours who have eggs and chickens which you can buy, and in that case, I’d have access to completely raw, unprepared (for example without spices or any chemicals etc.) chicken, which I think would be very practical.
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 24, 2019 06:39 AM

To the person who is feeding their corn snake live fuzzies. Everything I have read recommends not giving Live Prey. Live Prey can unnecessarily harm your snake.
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 19, 2019 11:35 AM

i touch a corn snake and it did not bite me
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 7, 2019 09:37 AM

don’t worry about the snake biting u its not poisiness
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 7, 2019 09:36 AM

I going to get a corn snake soon and I’m not sure what all I need for it. I do know a few things that I need few things to get,but I don’t know if I have everything thing down yet. I do know what foods they eat, when to feed them, and a few things to get for the cage. Is that all?
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 24, 2019 03:31 PM

I would not worry about the snake not moving, it is probably settling in to the new environment. If it ate without any problems I would not worry too much. Also if your pet is eating it unlikely to shed soon. Many snakes stop eating just before a shed. As the snake is sixteen years old I would suggest you simulate the previous viv it lived in. So if the enclosure was square then the snake was used to it. So give the animal something similar. Once the snake is settled in you can change things around if you wish.
Another possibility is the temperature might be too cool, remember snakes charge themselves with the heat mats and lamps to get warm enough.
Also, a hide box at each end and a small log in the middle helps as she can choose a hiding place at each temperature. If you have one box the snake must choose between warmth and safety. Remember that Corn snakes do like to rest in one place for a while, this is nothing unusual, especially in winter time.
Hope this help and you get on ok with her. Good luck.
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 22, 2019 01:58 PM

Yes, it is true that you shouldn’t pick up a corn snake after it has eaten. Wait forty eight hours before picking it up.
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 22, 2019 01:39 PM

Is it true that you cannot pick up your corn snake after it is done eating and if so how long should wait to pick it up
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 14, 2019 07:11 PM

Posted by Anonymous, Feb 5, 2019 11:14 AM

“I have a question. I just got my Corn Snake on Saturday and she is not moving around very much she has been in same spot since Saturday night.
Let me give you a little info on her.
She is a 16 yr old Butter Stripe Morph that lived in a Rubbermaid Tub. It was not tall but was wide and kinda long more like a square.
I have her in a 20 gallon tank with Aspen Shavings a hide, water dish, 2 green tree and a vine, heat pad and light. She moved around a lot of Saturday pooped on Saturday. She has not moved from same spot since Saturday night.
I have not handled her because I know she needs time to get acclimated to everything.
I’m just concerned about her not moving. She ate on Wednesday so it’s been 5 days and her old owner said she thought she might be going into shed.
Any ideas would be helpful
Thank you
Posted by Lisa42, Feb 4, 2019 01:32 PM

My corn snake is about 3 maybe 3 1/2 feet but I’m not sure what to feed him. Right now I’m feeding him live fuzzy’s should i upgrade to a bigger mouse or is this size good?
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 31, 2019 12:40 PM

I have had my corn snake for over 13 years. Actually named him McQueen due to his early “Great Escapes”. A decent enclosure with a locking mesh lid will be enough to keep them in. Havent had any true escapes. I have been bitten by him a few times. It does not hurt at all, has drawn blood, but even then I didnt feel any pain. The scariest part of a bite is making sure you dont pull away and possibly hurt the snake. I have had to pry his jaw off my thumb before. I was dangling the mouse and he went for the thumb. All in all has been a great pet though.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 27, 2019 03:07 PM

Does anyone here already have a corn snake? I would love to get one but I am afraid of him/her escaping or biting me and I have looked apeverything up and it says it doesn’t really hurt but I would love to hear from someone who has personally experienced this.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 23, 2019 10:00 PM

You can’t handle your snake a few days after he eats because he needs time to digest his food. Handling him right after he eats will upset his digestion and can cause him to regurgitate or vomit, both of which are fatal to your snake. Give him 2 to 3 days for him to properly digest, and he should be fine for handling after that.
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 21, 2018 12:53 AM

Hey so for anyone who has a picky baby corn a tip for dead feed use warm water so the pinky has a body temp I use my wrist for water temp luke warm to warm but not hot. And nuding the feed a bit seems to help
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 20, 2018 08:39 AM

“We recently purchased an Albino Corn snake from Pets R Inn pet store in Fargo, ND. Her name is Queenie as she has a heart on the top of her head. She ate her first pinkie no problem as soon as she was home on the 30th of September 2018, We live 2 hours away in Park Rapids, MN. She then attempted to eat her second pinkie that Friday Oct. 5th. She ate it backwards tail first. My daughter then noticed the next day that she had regurgitated it whole but some of it was digested. She has refused to eat since. It has now been 15 days that she has refused to eat. We did see some back stuff in her tummy as she is albino and read that sometimes they can be blocked and need a warm bath. We tried that and as soon as we took her out, she had passed three white looking worms into my hand. I am afraid that she has some sort of parasite and is refusing to eat because of that. We have tried all sorts of methods of getting her to eat including, cutting open the head of the pinkie to expose the brain, cutting off the head to have her eat just that, trying to feed her just the body, not handling her and feeding her in her cage, feeding her in a bowl that she ate the first pinkie in, leaving the pinkie on a rock…
We have even set the temp in her cage as directed with the warm side at 85 and the cool at 75, she has rocks and aspen bedding, water, vines to climb on, rocks ect….We love our Queenie and are so afraid of loosing her….any advice? Any medication that we can get or a Vet that lives semi close? I have pictures of her white feces, her habitat and of her if that helps feel free to email me at roxannestinar@gmail.com.
Posted by Queenieourcornsnake, Oct 21, 2018 06:22 PM

Do not under ANY circumstances substitute bird eggs with chicken eggs.. that is one sure fine way to kill your corn snake.
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 4, 2018 01:01 PM

I am getting a baby corn snake for Christmas is their any info you can give me about how to take care of it?
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 4, 2018 09:07 AM

I’m planning on getting my first snake, and I read online that corn snakes can eat eggs. I have chickens, and I was wondering if I could use my chicken eggs as subsistence, alongside thawed mice?
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 28, 2018 04:44 PM

I’m planning on getting my first snake, and I read online that corn snakes can eat eggs. I have chickens, and I was wondering if I could use my chicken eggs as subsistence, alongside thawed mice?
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 28, 2018 04:42 PM

Posted by Anonymous, Sep 24, 2018 01:36 PM

Im hoping to get my 1st corn snake at some point. And to answer the question why it should not be handled until a couple days after eating is because it needs the time to digest its meal and handling might cause it to regurgitate the meal rather than digest it (which isnt healthy for the snake and is a wasted meal) as the snake feels vunerable while having a full belly. It also shouldnt be handled too much when its close to or in the process of shedding for similar reasons of feeling vunerable.
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 27, 2018 08:27 AM

I just purchased a baby corn snake and so far it has had the best attitude and intentions. I am very pleased. My only question is why does the snake not want to be handled for a couple days after eating
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 21, 2018 10:52 AM

Is it possible to keep a corn snake long term in a twenty gallon tall tank? I already have one and it would be easier to just use it than buy a new one.
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 4, 2018 06:11 PM

“If I don’t want to use a shoebox for feeding, could I get a smaller terrarium and cover it with a bird cage cover?
What temperature do corn snakes like at night?
What should be the humidity for corn snakes?
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 26, 2018 03:00 PM

We have an 11 year old corn snake that eats baby rats. The last rat we fed him he killed but did not eat. We just fed him again 2 weeks ago and he refuses to eat the rat. All he does is try to get out of his cage and I feel like something is seriously wrong with him. Any advice would b appreciated
Posted by Anonymous, May 12, 2018 07:47 PM

“Good morning , my fiance bought me a white and black corn snake for my birthday and im a litle concerned about a few things
The snake is captive bred in natal (wich is a coastal inviroment / habitat ) and im inland wich is more of a desert habitat very hot and dry in summer and freezing in winter
As this wil be my first pet snake i would like to know as much as posible about caring for him i was told to buy a smaller tank and a heatpad to control the temp and feed it once every 6 days
So if therevis someone who can answer a few questions please feel free to send me a email @ stevendonovan.ss@gmail.com
Some of my qeustions are
As the snake gets older how does his diet change he eats pinkies now
Does he hibrinate
Is there a diet supplement that he can be fed to help with growth and health
Wil he be able to adapt to a new inviroment
What is a recomended tank size ?
What lighting do i use and is the lighting 24/7 or timed for day and night
Thanks for any help (like i said this is my 1st pet snake i dont know jack ,luckily there are folks like you to ask for advice)
Posted by Anonymous, May 12, 2018 06:45 PM

We have an 11 year old corn snake that eats baby rats. The last rat we fed him he killed but did not eat. We just fed him again 2 weeks ago and he refuses to eat the rat. All he does is try to get out of his cage and I feel like something is seriously wrong with him. Any advice would b appreciated
Posted by Anonymous, May 12, 2018 05:03 PM

“For feeding a snake, any size, they need to feel relaxed and secure. If you have only had the snake for two weeks it is probably still settling in to its new environment. Try feeding it in the vivarium, as long as it’s not on sawdust or anything it can ingest. If it is put stiff paper or card down over the substrate and leave for half a day or more so snake can get used to it. Then offer the mouse to the snake. Gently hang the mouse in front of the snakes nose, moving slightly so it can see it (their eye site isn’t great) and be patient. If my Cornsnake is being difficult I have to waggle the mouse about an inch from her nose, but I never touch it. This can alarm the snake and it will never strike. Good luck
PS. My baby python was so skittish from bad handling at the pet shop it wouldn’t settle for ages, and Royal Pythons are notoriously picky feeders, but it ate eventually.
Posted by Anonymous, May 2, 2018 03:27 AM

We have a corn snake he is a baby we tried everything to get him to eat we have brained a pinkie cut it in half still won’t eat. We have had him for 2 weeks. Does anyone have any suggestions on getting him to eat.
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 28, 2018 11:04 AM

Thanks for all the great info. 🙂 I used it to buy my first corn snake. #Pete
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 23, 2018 09:23 AM

when I was young I had a corn snake her name was sherbert she was cream and orange and coloring I had her well we later on found out it was a he so we had him about 11 Plus years and I’m now purchasing two corn snakes they’re supposed to arrive at the pet store on Wednesday or Thursday and that it’s going to be completely prepared any suggestions I was a lot younger so my mom took care of everything then now I’m 29 and I can’t seem to remember everything I need for my snakes to be happy in their new forever home
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 17, 2018 04:51 PM

Can I breed corn snakes together? How so?
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 30, 2018 09:46 PM

I just bought a corn snake, an aquarium lid, aspen shavings, two hides, a silk plant, a water bowl set, thermometer, small feeding tank, a pack of 6 pinkies, and tweezers. Cost me $240 CAD at Pet Smart.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 16, 2018 02:35 PM

A good corn snake set up will cost not more than $100.
Posted by John, Jan 15, 2018 01:13 PM

How much does a good setup typically cost for a corn snake?
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 14, 2018 05:24 PM

What’s the cheapest amount of money to spend on a corn snake including the snake?
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 28, 2017 07:12 PM

Rebecca, your snake may be brumating. It’s not uncommon this time of year.
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 6, 2017 01:43 PM

use a non heated LED light on a timer, it will provide light without making the enclose hotter, and will let your snake get into its day/night cycle, you can use this to change its natural body clock and have it awake for a few hours in the evening or morning.
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 4, 2017 07:25 AM

my room is in the basement so my light source is very little, I could leave my light on but I’m just checking to see if that is still okay to get a corn snake? I have the perfect spot to put my aquariuma and I can get a light source of some kind, I just want the snake to be comfortable.
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 20, 2017 09:40 AM

Bring him to the vet, and don’t use ducktape to hold your aquarium down, buy some clamps.
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 18, 2017 11:29 PM

Hi! I just got a baby corn snake 2 days ago and the breeder gave me everything I needed for him but he escaped. My 1 year old cat found him in our basement. The corn is now missing the tip of his tail and I am wondering if I should bring him to a vet or he should be ok? I feel so bad I have know duct tape all around the edges of the aquarium and will continue to do so as well. Thanks for your help.
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 16, 2017 07:54 AM

I’ve got a 7 month old corn snake who eats regularly – once a week – but she has only shed once in those 7 months. I’m feeding her pinkie mice, and she’s a very enthusiastic eater (thank goodness) but she just doesn’t shed. Should I get her to a vet?
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 12, 2017 09:50 AM

my baby corn snake will NOT eat al all what do i do i feel like it will starve to death.
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 1, 2017 04:44 PM

I have a corn snake roughly 3-4 years old that has stopped eating.

It has been roughly 4 weeks


Posted by Anonymous, Oct 15, 2017 09:52 PM

This is a very nice article. I have to do research to get a corn snake before I actually get one. And snakes ARENT gross!!!!!!! They are beautiful magestic creatures that need love and care.
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 28, 2017 08:31 AM

ive been wanting a pet corn snake for the longest time and i am finally getting one, im looking up information so i know what questions to ask the handler.
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 24, 2017 04:56 PM

No, corn snakes do not recognize mealworms as food.
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 20, 2017 10:35 AM

I was wondering if you could feed them mealmorms
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 17, 2017 02:40 AM

I also recommend bioactive kits. It brings out snakes natural habitat it has soil, live plants, and micro organisms to encourage the snake to have natural behaviours. You also do not have to clean them once they have established. I recommend thebiodude.com for the bioactive kits. (They do not ship to canada) They also have a youtube channel. Definitely check them out!
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 19, 2017 01:41 PM

how much does the tank and food cast when you first buy everything
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 16, 2017 11:06 AM

just saw where expert says no crickets, for valid reasons, i don’t remember giving jimmie them, as the mice come available in very small sizes. But petco gives them crickets for first week they say. And diligence of sanitation is the variant. so dice allobo
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 15, 2017 03:07 PM

the store gives it crickets when very young. but this stage is so short and they can eat the smallest rodent right away with proper size ratio. if they no go for crickets, then they don’t. No safety hazard that we know of. dice al lobo
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 15, 2017 03:03 PM

But no idea how long srry… try looking it up
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 27, 2017 08:44 PM

Andy it is “Incubation” not “incubashon”
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 27, 2017 08:43 PM

corn snake has eggs how long incubashon please
Posted by andy, Apr 20, 2017 03:30 PM

corn snake has eggs how long incubashon please
Posted by andy, Apr 20, 2017 11:01 AM

corn snake has eggs how long incubashon please
Posted by andy, Apr 20, 2017 10:44 AM

Posted by andy, Apr 20, 2017 10:43 AM

my corn snaks have eggs how long incabashon peread please
Posted by andy, Apr 20, 2017 10:42 AM

What would make a corn snake stop eating? I have had mine for a year and it has stopped eating. I put a mouse on once and left them for an hour and it killed the mouse but didn’t eat it. She is not ready to molt.
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 10, 2017 10:40 AM

Someone literally did not search what corns eat if they gave it crickets. Please do the research BEFORE getting an animal and trying to feed it COMPLETELY the wrong food. So help me God woman you are so dumb. so.so.so very dumb.
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 6, 2017 11:16 PM

Thank you for the help! I am planning on purchasing a Fancy Cornsnake sometime this week, and this article was very helpful and gave me a lot of information that I needed!
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 2, 2017 07:16 PM

Wow this really impressed me! It allowed me to show my mom what they need to eat! 😉
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 30, 2017 05:22 PM

im soon going 2 get 1 and im doing a project on them thanks this sumarises it all 🙂 this website is da best!!!
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 25, 2017 10:00 AM

Well I really want a corn snake! There so fascinating! I just love the fact that they’re ssssooooo gentle this website helped me explain this too my mother.
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 24, 2017 08:37 PM

Crickets are not good for any corn snakes. They are not a natural pretty item and don’t recognize them as food. As a side note, you should never let loose crickets in your reptile’s enclosure. This is due to that if uneaten the cricket can chew on your pet causing damage that needs to be treated to prevent infection. I speak from years of experience of keeping snakes, lizards, frogs and spiders. I personally would advise supervised feeding of your feeding especially if you’re feeding live food to ensure the safety of your animals. For baby corn snakes you’ll need what’s called pinky mice which are new born mice. Contact the person you got the snake from to see if they were feed live or frozen so you know what you need. Good luck with your new buddy! I have a lavender corn snakes male baby on the way from my reptile guy in the next few weeks, so I’m excited and prepping, too.
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 15, 2017 02:37 AM

We just got a baby corn snake and im doing all the reading i can. We did get it crickets. Was that a mistake? Should i take those out and get a baby mouse?
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 12, 2017 09:55 AM

“What makes me laugh is this site recommends not putting various animals in enclosures with sand as it “”may cause impaction if ingested”” yet they show these various animals with sand in their enclosures … Practise what you preach guys, come on!

Other than that though, love this site and it has got me very interested in researching even further into the world of various reptiles and amphibians 🙂
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 10, 2017 03:43 PM

a no tak to nie chinczyk
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 10, 2017 06:12 AM

ile psow takie cos zjadlo?
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 10, 2017 06:10 AM

gitara siema
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 10, 2017 06:05 AM

Thank you so much I have so much succes with my corn snake thank you so much.
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 23, 2017 04:03 PM

When you go to get your new corn snake, ask the seller when it last ate. Do NOT get a baby corn snake that has never eaten, especially as your first snake. It is a sign that the snake may be sick. A good breeder will make sure their baby snakes are eating before they give them away.
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 1, 2017 08:48 PM

actually, bigger is not better when it comes to tank size. A 20 gallon tank is good, but a tank too big could really stress them out.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 30, 2017 04:51 PM

Corn Snakes are not harmful as apitch
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 21, 2017 07:14 PM

Really helpful
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 19, 2017 10:36 PM

if i live in place where the tempature is already 70-85 degrees farinhight do i still need to put a heatpad under the enclosure?
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 26, 2016 02:40 PM

“””If you want a pet snake but have never spent much time with them I recommend you get one that is native to the area you live so if you get tired of caring for the snake you can simply take it to a forest and set it free.””
NO, DO NOT EVER SET A PET FREE! They do not know how to survive in the wild and will likely suffer and die, or wreak havoc on the ecosystem. Please do not get a pet unless you have done your research and are fully committed to it.
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 4, 2016 02:01 PM

I’m about to get a hatchling corn snake. I’m very excited and am doing a lot of research. A lot of people say similar things so I think I’m gonna get the hang of it pretty quickly. This really helped me understand the needs of a hatchling.
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 21, 2016 04:48 PM

Really helpful! I’m getting a corn snake before Christmas and in very excited about it. I’m glad that they don’t need much care, actually, and I don’t think it will be boring at all. (P.S. Don’t let your snake go in the forest, even if it is native to the area. Very bad idea.)
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 10, 2016 04:52 PM

does the corn snake need a nessasary heat source like a light in the tank or a heating pad?
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 7, 2016 02:54 PM

Corn snakes are great first snakes for an inexperienced owner to start with. They usually have no problem eating frozen and thawed mice whereas other types of snakes may insist on live mice or even be picky about the species of mice you feed them. Also while corn snakes may be a little scared about being picked up when they’re young, once you do pick them up they tend to be calm and not mind being held. They are beautiful, come in a variety of colors, and are relatively easy to care for.
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 6, 2016 08:34 AM

very helpful -anonymous
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 1, 2016 07:13 PM

Does anyone know of a snake like a corn that is really curious and doesn’t have to be handled every day to still like being handled?
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 27, 2016 07:29 AM

Does anyone know of a snake like a corn that is really curious and doesn’t have to be handled every day to still like being handled?
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 27, 2016 07:28 AM

“Thank you for this article it was helpful

Posted by Anonymous, Oct 7, 2016 02:49 PM

That is just bad aice telling kids if they get bored with their pet snake to let it go in the forest. Even if it is native to the area it was not a wild caught animal when they got it and put it in a cage. Dude you shouldn’t have snakes if that is your mentality.
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 25, 2016 02:24 PM

“To kids wanting pet snakes….

I love snakes and have kept them as pets my whole life, corn snakes are very good pets and very easy to care for. Corn snakes do make good pets, especially for children. They require much less care than a dog or cat…even guinea pigs and hamsters are more difficult to care for than snakes. Feeding the snakes live animals can be intimidating. baby mice, rats, and rabbits are cute so make sure you are okay with killing these animals to feed your snake. Another thing to remember, snakes are very stupid animals… this is part of what makes them live well in a cage but also makes them boring to many kids. I have seen a lot of children get a pet snake because it “”looked cool”” and after 2-3 weeks they were bored with an animal that does very little besides eat and sleep. If you want a pet snake but have never spent much time with them I recommend you get one that is native to the area you live so if you get tired of caring for the snake you can simply take it to a forest and set it free.
If you are having trouble convincing your parents to let you own a pet snake I recommend taking your parents some place such as a pet store where they can pick up a tame snake. I was an adult before I realized how many people in this world are afraid of snakes simply because they have never even touched one. Most people stop fearing small snakes once they handle one and see they are not the vicious creatures legend has led humans to believe.
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 15, 2016 07:04 PM

I really hope to get a corn snake but my parents won’t let me. As soon as I move out of the house I am going to get one. I’ve researched a lot and I am really excited even though I am going to have to wait around six years. 🙁 I hope to get a baby corn snake as I want to be the first owner. Weird but I really enjoy being the first owner of a pet. I’m a little worried about the snake only wanting to eat live mice as I don’t really feel fully comfortable with that. It’s actually a little silly because I’m going to have to wait nearly six years but I feel good about planning. Any suggestions on what I should name my pretty pet? I’m hoping on getting a blood red one if that helps.
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 9, 2016 04:20 PM

I really hope to get a corn snake but my parents won’t let me. As soon as I move out of the house I am going to get one. I’ve researched a lot and I am really excited even though I am going to have to wait around six years. 🙁 I hope to get a baby corn snake as I want to be the first owner. Weird but I really enjoy being the first owner of a pet. I’m a little worried about the snake only wanting to eat live mice as I don’t really feel fully comfortable with that. It’s actually a little silly because I’m going to have to wait nearly six years but I feel good about planning. Any suggestions on what I should name my pretty pet? I’m hoping on getting a blood red one if that helps.
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 8, 2016 04:39 PM

ypuuer alloo retardedz
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 28, 2016 11:43 PM

i want to get a corn snake is there any info you can give me??
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 28, 2016 02:52 PM

Hello everyone I love in the long island new York area and I have a male corn snake that is the sweetest little guy my daughter left him and can no longer have him because she is due to have my granddaughter soon and I barely have time for him he literally is a good boy but I don’t want to just give him away to just anyone I want someone that is going to be responsible and love him like he deserves of you’re this person please contact me at 6313748185 I am not selling him I’m willing to give him to you with his tank but just want updates on him so I know he’s in good hands
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 21, 2016 04:35 PM

I really want a corn snake and I am working on a slideshow presentation to pitch the idea to my parents. Does anyone have any strong points I could put in?
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 19, 2016 05:14 PM

To the person who wants to convince their mom a snake is ok, they only eat about once a week, they don’t have to be walked, they don’t bark, if their cage is kept clean they don’t smell, they don’t shed all over the house, they won’t tear things up like carpet and homework, and if you answer the door with a large one on your neck, strangers tend to back away
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 16, 2016 07:12 PM

“We have had a Californian corn snake for almost two years n had no problem over this time. But last couple of times I have held her she has bitten me.. Ok so the bite is harmless.. Like a pin prick. But would anyone know why this sudden change in behaviour?
Thanks for any advice
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 13, 2016 12:15 PM

“Are you in scandinavia and need reptile supplies? Check this out!
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 13, 2016 06:09 AM

I have a baby corn snake. How do you know if its a boy or girl? Anyway besides that it is real easy to have. This is my first snake and its doing pretty well with everyone in the house. My parents are scared of it but I make them hold it for at least 5 minutes a day. My snake loves to hide and scare me when I grab him. My snake loves my animals for some reason. Beside everything I love my snake!!!!
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 8, 2016 07:32 PM

I have an adult corn snake. Have had it a few mths. But…. I’m getting a baby in a week and wanna know how many pinkies it should eat and how often.
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 13, 2016 08:52 PM

I really want a corn snake as a pet and my mom won’t let me. I ask why and she just says, “because I don’t like them. 😒 I tell her it will be in a terrarium and that it will be locked. Anwser. No. Any ideas.
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 12, 2016 11:17 PM

In answer to your question, I say 1. I have never been bitten by a corn but I have been bitten by a garter snake and as long a you don’t pull away you don’t even feel it. Mom says that if you pull away it is only like getting a paper cut. I don’t think it will be that much of a difference with corns. I am absolutely obsessed with corns but my parents won’t let me get one because we have so many animals already. I don’t believe t will hurt at all to be bit.
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 8, 2016 04:09 PM

I’ve owned rat snakes, a ball python, a ring neck snake, and a huge pine snake and have been bitten several times. It really doesn’t hurt that much. Pull the teeth out that stay stuck in your flesh and put some peroxide on the wound and handle your snake more often. If you’re afraid of getting bit, you probably shouldn’t own a snake.
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 3, 2016 04:17 PM

“To the person who is NERVOUS/ anyone who needs advice: I was nervous when I first got my corn (back in January). I wanted a pet but am a full time student and have two jobs. So I did some research and found a snake to be the perfect per for me! I got her when she was a just a little hatchling, and it’s now 6 months later and we’re best friends! MAKE SURE you hold multiple snakes when buying one. You’ll know when you hold one, which one you want to buy. MAKE SURE you have the tank set up exactly how this website says. I bought a kit with everything I needed in it. I put the thermometer INSIDE the hide because you have got to know what temperature your SNAKE is. The under-the-tank heating pad is essential.. Place on the outside of the tank, under the hide. I also put a little contact case (after bleaching it and rinsing/ washing) in the hide with water in it to help with moisture etc. For the hide, I bought a little hard gecko ceramic one because I found that the wood wide collected MOLD from when I put damp newspaper in there during sheds. The water bowl should be put on the opposite side of the tank.
Cheree was VERY nervous of me for the first couple of days so I left her be for about four days, so she could get acclimated to her new surroundings. The very first feed went very well. I got a shoe box and placed her inside. WHILE WATCHING HER, I thawed out a frozen pinky (she was so small I thought the pinky wouldn’t fit inside her) with HOT water. This ensures Cheree’s heat sensors to pick up where the pinky is. I then dropped the pinky in the cage and BAM she started to eat. After she had “”swallowed”” and it had settled in her stomach, she could barely move! I picked her up (from the side, slowly but confidently, NOT on top, she’ll think you’re a predator And might regurgitate) and placed her in her cage. Leave her alone for the next 24-36 hours (in my opinion) for proper digestion.
Pick her up for atleast 10min (maybe even 30min) PER DAY for her to get acclimated to your scent (always wash your hands before and after handling for scent reasons & any diseases carried that might be harmful to your snake and to you!) and for her to remain docile and “”friendly””. I feed her every week to this day, and some weeks I cheat and feed her 2 pinkies because I want her to get big (the more you feed, the bigger they get [not always what someone wants, for cage purposes])! Corn snakes are like cats.. They DO NOT have an off switch for hunger but CAN go weeks without eating (if you’re on vacation or something).
I hope you decide to get one! Cheree is AWESOME, and I have her in a 10 gallon tank from the day I brought her home till now. When she gets about 2ft long (maybe winter time) I’ll upgrade to a larger 20gal tank and with that, I’ll get a bigger hide and bigger water bowl.
Good luck!
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 1, 2016 03:01 PM

To the person who caught an adult snake in the yard and is gonna keep as a pet, that’s a bit cruel to put one in an enclosure who was once free. Turn it loose and get one from a pet store who has never known freedom.
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 5, 2016 08:42 PM

This is for the gentleman whose snake has been missing for 2 and half weeks…mine has escaped a few times and every time I have found him in closet….it’s a long shot but worth it if snake is located. Have a gd day and I hope you find her.
Posted by Anonymous, May 30, 2016 02:09 PM

I have a ten y.o. & over the years scratching the top screen with fingernails is the sound (vibration)that this snake DEFINITELY recognizes as the dinner bell!-just sayin’-
Posted by Anonymous, May 30, 2016 01:50 PM

I have an adult albino corn snake from Jacks Pets, she was very unfriendly at first, but after a few weeks of short handling times she began to “warm up” to me. She now does all kinds of silly things that you wouldnt expect a snake to do. She goes into my shirt for warmth, and she loves being out with me so much she clings to my arm when i dont give her a very long time of being out. Corn snakes are easy to take care of and handling is key. I feed mine dead mice that have been frozen, as to avoid her being hurt by live mice. You have to feed one type or the other from a very early stage or they won’t eat a new kind without extensive training.
Posted by Anonymous, May 26, 2016 12:50 PM

For those asking about snake bites, to be honest, they don’t hurt very much if you’re calm, what hurts is if you try to yank or pull away. If a snake does bite, let it do so, it hurts less than getting a shot and you can proceed to calmly remove the snake or let it do so on its own. (this from experience capturing and moving wild snakes)
Posted by Anonymous, May 23, 2016 04:03 AM

“All good advice. Corn snakes are the best as a snake or reptile snake! I just had my corn die after 26 years! and yes I did cry a bit… I think that corns should be kept at a bit cooler than the general recommendation. Room temperature is find for me most of time (California Bay) so I use heat to supplement especially after eating for a day or two. Having a gradient is important so one side should be cool and the other warmish. Winter I let them cool with the weather and stop feeding from Nov to March.
I also suggest feeding every 10 to 14 days, a bit less than “”recommended”” but YMMV.
I try to handle mine regularly. A bath a few days after eating keep the cage a lot cleaner. I don’t always have water with the snake but water is offered every few days or left if any time is spent away..Water bowls need to be heavy with larger corns.
With regular handling they are very tame and I have only seen a strike once or twice. Be careful around others with them — curious people can freak out on you, be careful for the snake. Responsible kids can easily handle them… but one warning for all.. they can easily escape or be forgotten if you take your eyes of them for a phone call, movie or such. Try to have a rule when snake is out with me I am always always watching. Leave the cover off the cage in a noticeable spot to help remind you.
If you do lose one search immediately but be calm and live your life. They will almost always turn up so be careful moving things. Sometimes a mouse left out will get them to show! Still a lost snake is the surest way to find a dead snake.
They are definitely the snake to start out with. Hardy, gentle, easy to care for, fascinating colors and genetics.
I got an snow albino to replace the other. Prices for these have certainly dropped and the ease of handling and breeding is the reason.
Posted by Anonymous, May 20, 2016 12:07 AM

I am nervous about getting a snake. This is because I am nervous of the snake biting my hand or arm. I just want to know on a scale of one to ten…how much it hurts.
Posted by Anonymous, May 18, 2016 04:35 PM

Just caught one in my yard; about 4 feet long. This was helpful, as my kids want to keep it as a pet.
Posted by Anonymous, May 16, 2016 07:32 PM

Very Helpful.
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 21, 2016 01:36 PM

Wow never knew such conflicting information there is. I have had my corn for about 8 years. This information is my own personal experience. One question I saw about UV light is no you don’t need one. I use a heat pad that sticks to the underside of the aquarium. Can your snake eat the other I doubt it. Is the snake fat and don’t think it would fit inside the other. My snakes first feeding was a thawed pinkie but warm and to this day I still feed that way but now a full size mouse. Handling your snake too much at first is stressful but it’s ok to let them get used to there environment and slowly introduce handling. The more you do handle your snake later on you will notice that it’s not as timid. Hopefully I help some but there always good info out there. People will try to sell you anything even if you don’t need it but be informed.
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 15, 2016 12:25 AM

I have two standard corn snakes and we know that one of them is a female but we had no idea what gender my other snake is! Anyway, they were both in the same terrarium together and they sleep together, hide together, and occasionally slither together. One year latter, they started to mate. I was assuming that they were both girls! Three weeks latter, the snake had to lay her eggs but two eggs got stuck inside her. I rushed her to the vet and then the vet drained the stuck eggs so the snake can pass them. After that, my snake was so worn out that she could not move at all! She eventually recovered, but she never got any bigger. The snakes are separated and likes to go under the mat which is weird but they like it there.
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 8, 2016 09:09 AM

Is there a way that is sure to convince my dad?
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 31, 2016 09:01 PM

They are VERY good pets and I am in the same proces of tring to convince my dad.
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 31, 2016 08:57 PM

I am planning on buying a baby albino corn snake from backwater reptiles. Is this a good place to buy them from? Also, I do not know if I could handle feeding a live baby mouse at first. Do I actually have to? Two more questions, first, where do I buy a heat mat from? Second, I really want my snake to trust me early on. Is it a bad idea to hold them? Thank you for your time.
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 28, 2016 08:16 PM

Can a small/medium sized corn snake eat a small corn snake? Even if had already eaten three days prior from its past feeding? I’m concerned because I just purchased two corns and the explanation for the disappearance for the other would either be canibulism or escapee.
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 11, 2016 08:42 PM

i am looking to get a snake. this article was very helpful.
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 8, 2016 10:03 AM

Just wrote the message about getting a red rate snake in swfl well I forgot to mention it was wild and I caught it out side
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 29, 2016 08:00 PM

Just got a red rat snake here in swfl, and I was wondering if I can feed it lizards or not. The snake is about 17-18 inches in length
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 29, 2016 07:58 PM

If you don’t know when your corn snake last ate, feed it after it excreets as it will have then fully digested its previous meal.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 23, 2016 01:50 PM


Looking to get back into snakes after a long hiatus – like 30 years. Went to local pet store today and got completely conflicting information. This is a well known store in South Florida that has been open for a very long time.

They claim corn snakes need UV lights and regular lighting. In that case the heating pad would be unnecessary. They also told me aspen was too dry. Which would figure, with all that heat and light pouring down on it. About the only thing the “”experts”” agreed with your article was the hide and the water bowl. However, a quick search of the internet shows your information seems more in line with what is required.

Needless to say, I am not going to deal much with that reptile shop.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 9, 2016 06:26 PM

I just got a baby corn snake but I forgot to ask when it was fed last. How do i tell when to feed the snake if i don’t know the last time it ate
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 8, 2016 10:54 AM

“YES, there are smaller docile snakes. Rosy Boas.

Posted by Anonymous, Dec 16, 2015 03:03 PM

i have had a corn snake in the past… he was wild cuaght but injured which is why we kept him. i am looking into gettong another one. would like to know if i should get a juvinile or go with a young one? I want something that is easy to handle (i already know corn snakes are) but are there other good pet snakes that are a little smaller?
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 14, 2015 04:19 PM

Should I leave the heater on all year round? Let him hibernate?
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 10, 2015 04:17 PM

I love my new pet corn snake! Without this website it could not be possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 9, 2015 04:19 PM

that answers my question very well, thanks so much!!! 🙂
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 25, 2015 02:01 PM

“RE @ Anonymous
“”I’ve read a couple articles about corn snakes and ball pythons, but i cant decide which one is better. if someone with any experience in these matters could post something that would be extremely helpful.””

That depends on WHAT you’re looking for in a snake. I have both.
Both species tend to be docile. There are, of course, exceptions to that. And hatchlings are always more nippy.
If you want to observe activity go with a corn.
If you want something a bit more impressive, size-wise both have amazing morphs, and if you don’t care to view their activity, go with a ball. Balls may not get much bigger, length wise, but are thick, giving them a bigger appearance.

If you need anymore help (or anyone need any help at all, I’ll try my best to help), feel free to email me @ sammtuttle@gmail.com Just put Snakes or something along that line in the subject line. I just know this isnt the best setting to get questions answered. 🙂
Posted by JusticePlague, Nov 24, 2015 11:06 PM

I’ve read a couple articles about corn snakes and ball pythons, but i cant decide which one is better. if someone with any experience in these matters could post something that would be extremely helpful.
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 24, 2015 04:19 PM


My corn snake is 5 years old. He has always been a calm, friendly guy.. The other day he managed to escape fro the first time and it took me 14 hours to find him. The last few days he seemed almost depressed. The last 24 hours he has been rapidly going about the glass trying to get out. I am now saving up to get him a bigger tank as I think he now needs the space because of his recent freedom adventure. But until I can afford a larger tank, are they’re any tricks to get him to calm down. I don’t want him to hurt himself
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 6, 2015 05:49 AM

“I’m currently attempting to convince my mom to let me get a corn. I have told her that they are good-natured snakes…not sure if she’s convinced. Any ideas on what I can say to change her mind about snakes?
Also, how do you tell the appropriate size of a pinkie to feed to a corn, compared to the size of the corn snake?
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 26, 2015 01:28 PM

I just bought a corn snake and I was told to keep the heat lamp on for 12 hours during the day and off 12 hours at night. Is this true?
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 18, 2015 12:08 AM

I was planning to get a corn of my own soon, and the ones they sell at my local pet store look pretty young. People tell me that I should keep it in a 5 gallon or less for the first two months to keep from stressing out the snake. Others tell me differently, I am doubting these facts, and need some help. Also, my pet store only sells the pinkies that they eat as hatchlings. When my snake becomes bigger, can I feed it two pinkies, or would it just be easier to get them mailed? The forum doesn’t say anything about how often I need to feed the snake, either. Do I feed it weekly? What about when it becomes older? I need some help here, and would greatly appreciate the feedback! Thank you for all the great info on this forum. It will definitely help me out on my housekeeping skills! 😀
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 10, 2015 08:05 PM

This was really helpful!! I’m planning on getting a corn snake soon (if I can convince my parents) but before I have any chance I will probably need to know a lot about what’s involved in caring for one!!
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 7, 2015 04:08 PM

I just got my lil corn an the guy that gave him up said he has not feed him in a week or two so I got a pre killed one form store an he would not touch it but when I put a live mouse from store he eat it right away I see a lot of ppl saying died already is best but ls ok to use live ones be he won’t touch a already dead one. An any idea if Niger is better. In houseing my lil man he is in a 55 gallon was told only to use a 20 for full grown
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 27, 2015 08:04 PM