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SAVE THE FROGS! Ghana Formed

NGO will educate Ghanians and business about importance of frogs

2012 REPTILES Article Index
First Frog Genome Sequenced
Basilisk Lizard Care And Information

The first international branch of the United States – based SAVE THE FROGS! officially launched in Ghana September 23 in an effort to save that West African country’s disappearing amphibian population. Some of the challenges facing frogs in Ghana include logging, rainforest clearing by villagers, mining for gold, diamonds, and bauxite, and the eating of frog legs.

 “There are few countries in the world whose people and wildlife are so desperately in need of assistance as Ghana. Fortunately, we have an exceptionally talented young conservationist, Gilbert Adum, leading SAVE THE FROGS! Ghana,” said Dr. Kerry Kriger in a prepared statement. “I’ve been amazed at the positive reception we’ve received from the Ghanaian people. They’re poised to help; the difference between success and failure in saving Ghana’s frogs will come down to how much support the outside world provides.”

SAVE THE FROGS! Ghana has released an eight-point plan that it hopes will help to protect the country’s amphibian population. Goals in the plan include the education of the public, government, and timber and mining companies on the role these animals play in the country’s ecosystem and the importance of these roles; and working with local and international scientists as well as non-governmental organizations to get the Atewa Forest Range Reserve, an unprotected area, turned into a national park, which is important due largely to its amphibian biodiversity as well as being home to the endangered Togo slippery frog, a frog  eaten by locals. SAVE THE FROGS! Ghana will also train local villagers in mushroom farming and beekeeping as other sources of food and income. For more information, visit www.savethefrogs.com/ghana.