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Josh’s Frogs Launches New Website

The company is excited to better serve customers with the many features and capabilities that their new site provides.

Josh’s Frogs, an internet-only pet breeder and supplier based in Michigan with facilities in Owosso and Durand, has recently launched a new, proprieta

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Josh’s Frogs, an internet-only pet breeder and supplier based in Michigan with facilities in Owosso and Durand, has recently launched a new, proprietary website, New.JoshsFrogs.com. Since the company has no physical store and does business exclusively through its website, the new site launch is akin to opening up a brand-new store. Their old website will soon be shut down and all traffic automatically redirected to the new site.

The company is excited to better serve customers with the many features and capabilities that their new site provides. The biggest improvement that customers will likely notice is the mobile-friendly design, with imagery, buttons, and navigation that work better on phone screens.This was an important change since most Josh’s Frogs customers shop on their phones. Other improvements include faster loading times, delivery date estimates, and the option to filter search results by stock.

Despite all its improvements in look and feel, the real achievement is under the hood, according to the company’s Vice President of Technology Eric Wright. “We’re using some very new, open-source technologies developed within the last five years by Facebook, Google, and PayPal that give us unique capabilities.” Those capabilities power a better, faster user experience that elegantly harmonizes warehouse management, order management and logistics for a complex product line of live animals, plants, and dry goods. All this cutting-edge tech is built into a single platform that his team affectionately nicknamed Josh’s Cogs.

The development of an innovative, feature-rich, proprietary, e-commerce platform capable of serving thousands of customers each day is an impressive achievement for the company’s modest tech team, which currently comprises just three developers. “Because we ship so many highly perishable products, there just wasn’t an off-the-shelf solution that worked for our business.” So the company had to build one from the ground up. It’s been a work in progress for well over a year, with plenty of hurdles along the way, but the team remains committed to providing the best possible service to their customers, and they welcome feedback.

Josh’s Frogs invites the public to explore their new website and all it has to offer during their upcoming Snow Many Deals Sale, which begins on Monday, February 6, and runs through the following Monday, February 13. The sale will be exclusive to the new website and feature great discounts on a variety of pet amphibians, reptiles, invertebrates, live plants and supplies. Anyone doubtful about ordering live products for delivery can shop Josh’s Frogs with total confidence thanks to their decades of safe shipping experience and industry-leading Live Arrival Guarantees. For more information, visit New.JoshsFrogs.com.