
Kenyan Sand Boa Care Sheet Archived Comments

Some of the info in this isn't true. They do like to climb, and newspaper and pure play sand is not a suitable substrate.Posted by Anonymous, Sep 23,

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Some of the info in this isn’t true. They do like to climb, and newspaper and pure play sand is not a suitable substrate.
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 23, 2019 04:02 PM

honestly my sand boa tends to be more jumpy. he is a total escape artist so a lock is a must!!! hes escaped 3 times and only god knows how haha. personally i have to put him in a bag with a live hopper and clip it shut but his feeding response has gotten waaay better since ive put him in the bag and started live. they are simple but again mine tends to be jumpy at first and has only struck once. I use aspen bedding for him to burrow. I would say they are a good snake if you arent super experienced although having experience does make it better and less stressful for the snake.
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 2, 2019 01:55 AM

If anyone has questions about sand boas You’re not going to get them here. You can message me on IG and I’ll try to help or put you in touch with someone who can. @bezzyandbooms on IG.
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 19, 2019 03:14 PM

“To the poster asking if you should feed in or out of enclosure, I personally recommend outside the enclosure so your snake is less likely to think everything reaching into the enclosure is food. It will lessen you’re likelihood of getting bit. But there is no right or wrong answer to this and you’ll find everyone has an opinion. Do what feels right for your snake.

To the poster saying they feed live, I highly recommend switching to FT for the benefit if the snake. As it grows and your feeder size grows there is always risk of the feeder biting or scratching your snake.

To the poster saying her husband thinks they can eat worms, no! They can’t and won’t. If you want a snake to feed worms yo you’ll have to find a Dekays. Wonderful pets but only in a rescue situation. Never capture to keep.

To the poster saying your snake won’t eat, try wiggling the mouse around like it’s alive. You may even have to bump your snake with the feeder to entice it into striking. But don’t worry if your snake isn’t eating for a couple weeks, especially if she’s in shed.

Also sand can cause impaction, aspen is good bedding because it holds burrows. You can offer a sand play area outside the enclosure but don’t keep a KSB on sand. Yes they’re called sand boas and in the wild live in natural sand blends. But in the wild snakes never die from old age and one cause is impaction. So why not do better for our pets?

And yes sand boas climb. I can’t help but wonder if OP never saw them climb because his enclosures didn’t allow it?
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 19, 2019 03:05 PM

I have a question for the community…. Should you feed a KSB inside or outside enclosure? I’ve heard so many conflicting opinions, I wanted to hear from actual KSB owners. TIA.
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 19, 2019 09:04 AM

My daughter really wanted a snake so I finally gave in and we bought a KSB at a breeders convention. I can honestly say the whole family loves Josh now. He’s very calm and docile, fun to handle, and it’s amazing to watch him feed (we feed live fuzzies). We have thought about switching to frozen but it’s really not that hard to live feed. We just swing by the feed store every 7-10 days and pick up a fuzzy. Also, mom doesn’t get mad about a bag of frozen mice in the freezer next to the waffles. Highly recommend as a pet. Does not require a bunch of expensive equipment or daily activity. They’re perfectly fine chilling by themselves as long as they have heat and water.
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 19, 2019 09:01 AM

One of my female Kenyon sand boas climbs her thermostat cord all the time. She got out once and was missing for 2 months then she strolls across the kitchen floor like can you feed me now. Lol.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 19, 2019 05:18 PM

Sand boas do not eat earthworms! They eat mice! Pinkies… live or frozen/thawd..fsde
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 28, 2018 03:08 AM

Had to post that my paradox female sand boa climbs constantly. She is able to wrap around my thermometer/hydrometer that I keep in the cage and from there will cling to the sides of the screen lid. She likes to do this at least once a week.
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 16, 2018 09:13 AM

yo dawgs dis boa is mi favrit yo
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 30, 2018 09:26 PM

My small maybe 1 1/2 yr old sand boa climbs the fake plants in his tank often (i see her climb about once a week but I’m usually asleep when shes awake so may be more often.)I switched to Aspen a few months ago and though I like the sand look more , i feel Aspen is cheaper (i buy huge bags) and I feel less germ holding than sand.
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 23, 2018 02:57 PM

My small maybe 1 1/2 yr old sand boa climbs the fake plants in his tank often (i see her climb about once a week but I’m usually asleep when shes awake so may be more often.)I switched to Aspen a few months ago and though I like the sand look more , i feel Aspen is cheaper (i buy huge bags) and I feel less germ holding than sand.
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 23, 2018 02:57 PM

Hello. I have aquirred a female kenan sand boa, but she won’t take for me. Any suggestions?
Posted by Squishy, Jul 25, 2018 10:36 AM

“Hi. I recently got a female sand boa. She’s beautiful.
My Hubby says he thinks that they can eat earth worms. Is this true? She eats f/t pinkies.
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 9, 2018 07:27 PM

hi im bob my snake is long it eats mice
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 3, 2018 08:55 PM

@potatoface. Just get frozen thawed mice. Unless u want rats 🤷‍♂️
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 10, 2018 07:25 PM

Snakes should not be housed together unless they are breeding. They might harm each other. Other than that, this article is very useful and I really recommend this to anyone who wants to get a kenyan sand boa.
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 7, 2018 08:54 PM

i want 1 lol
Posted by Anonymous, May 6, 2018 03:17 PM

I witnessed my sand boa climb today and I was thoroughly impressed and amused
Posted by Anonymous, May 3, 2018 11:17 PM

Just got a sand boa
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 23, 2018 10:47 AM

I REALLY want a Kenyan sand boa, but my mom won’t let me have mice in the house so is there any other healthy diet that would work for them?
Posted by Potatoface, Apr 16, 2018 06:58 PM

How long can a baby Kenya Sand Boa go without eating. She’s having a hard time shedding her skin & we can get her to eat for months.
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 4, 2018 10:58 AM

I’ve had my sand boa for about two years. The former owner provided her with several branches. She came out a couple of times and draped herself over the branches to be near her heat lamp, so I guess the do climb if given theopportunity. Otherwise very low maintenance though I will follow the advice about heating pads.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 17, 2018 11:43 PM

is there any tips you could offer for a ksb that is not eating well? i got one almost a month ago, and i’ve only been able to feed her once. i’m not sure when the pet store fed her, but it was i while before she’d finally eat, and it has been a week & a half since she last ate but she won’t gain any interest in the pinkies i offer and i am getting quite worried.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 6, 2018 12:11 AM

This really helps! I am not ready for a snake yet, but when I do find the right snake I will be excited to take care of a beautiful Kenyan sand boa! And thanks again for the amazing article.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 3, 2018 01:44 PM

I just picked up my first KSB yesterday evening and I already love her. She’s an Anery het Albino Paradox, so she’s absolutely beautiful and also really adorable. She was just born a couple months ago in August so she’s still very tiny, but she already accepts frozen/thawed pinkies! I love watching her as she pokes her little head out of the aspen every once in a while, and I can confidently say I’m proud that I picked her to be my first snake.
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 3, 2017 11:32 AM

I have just a quick question. I just purchased a Kenyan Sand Boa myself and was wondering if there was such a thing as handling it too much.
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 26, 2017 03:57 AM

I have just a quick question. I just purchased a Kenyan Sand Boa myself and was wondering if there was such a thing as handling it too much.
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 26, 2017 03:34 AM

“My Kenyan sand boa is now 37 years old and counting (10/6/17). She was born in the spring of 1980. She is down to only accepting a mouse once every 2 months, or so. I keep her in a 48″”x24″”x30″” glass tank with deep sand (3″”) which I change totally, often enough to keep it quite clean. Heating is a large hot rock, plus I keep my house at 73 degrees. She occasionally loves to climb on her very large drift wood. (I keep some flagstone rock on the glass cover). But I never see her soak in her 10″” diameter shallow ceramic dish. Probably she does that after lights out.

I hope this is of some interest and help.
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 6, 2017 07:04 PM

I’ve had my KSB for almost 16 years now and agree a 10 gallon tank seems to small for a fully grown adult. When I first “adopted” him, he was in a 10 gallon and I upgraded to a 20 long. He definitely utilizes the space, as he leaves daily track marks throughout the cage, and the old tank is used for feeding.
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 25, 2017 06:16 PM

“Thank you so much for this article! It was so full of information and very helpful 🙄
I don’t have a KSB yet, but hopefully knowing the care details and showing them to my mom will allow me to get lucky😁
Thx again for typing this
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 28, 2017 08:41 AM

This may be a daft question as they are a burrowing snake but do they need any kind of uv lighting??
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 14, 2017 03:15 PM

i’ve had my male ksb for about a month now and he eats so well! every week he feeds on frozen/thawed with no problems. he’s a lovely snake with a great temperament and he’s also adorable. i use fine aspen shreds for the substrate and it works just fine. he’s rarely above the surface, but sometimes he sticks his head out and it’s really cute
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 1, 2017 10:34 AM

Hello, you said they can be kept on a variety of substrates, so can they be kept on reptile carpet with a bowl of sand in the corner to burrow into? Thanks. 🙂
Posted by Anonymous, May 31, 2017 02:06 PM

How long should I wait after feeding it too handle it.
Posted by Anonymous, Jan 4, 2017 05:41 PM

I have a KSB that lives in my pants!
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 11, 2016 12:05 PM

I have a KSB that lives in my pants!
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 11, 2016 02:30 AM

I have sand boas and the female loves to climb up her enclosure up branches and bark she’s very active
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 20, 2016 01:19 PM

This section is for comments, not questions. This is a great article on sand boa care, I’ve had my KSB for just over seven years now, and she is doing wonderful. I personally feel that ten gallons is a bit small for a KSB, so I have a Zilla 40 gallon critter cage, and my boa definitely uses the extra space.
Posted by Anonymous, Jul 24, 2016 04:00 AM

Do you ever answer anyones questions?????
Posted by Anonymous, Jun 1, 2016 11:43 AM

I went out of town for a night and it got really cold in my house. I left the heating pad off bc I was afraid to keep it on but i kept the heating lamps on in the cage. In the cage my thermometer said 70 degrees and I got the snake out and it had turned a grey color. Is this good or bad? I hope I didn’t stress it out bc I’ll feel bad. It’s been a day now and it’s still greyish looking, what should I do?
Posted by Anonymous, Apr 3, 2016 11:50 PM

I have a juvenile kenyan sand boa. My boa has started climbing. I have a radiant heat panel in the tank and he managed to climb up the side of the tank and use his nose to pull himself up through a small gap between the panel and the top of the tank. He was using the temperature probe cord i use. So just be aware the sand boas can climb and to be sure the tank is securely closed and locked.
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 13, 2016 01:34 AM

My 5 month old kenyan sand boa has been refusing to eat. The last time she molted was about 2 months ago, and her color has started to fade. She still seems active but I’m concerned. Is she sick?
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 3, 2016 11:41 PM

My sand boa is six months old!amd staying under her water bowl. Is that bad for her?
Posted by Pikabear, Feb 28, 2016 06:34 PM

Just feed your KSB before you go on holiday and make sure he has a medium size porcelain bowl with water in it. I say porcelain because it’s heavy and he won’t knock it over like the shallower reptile dishes. Make sure you have a fairly new bulb to keep him warm so you don’t have to worry about it blowing out. If you’re afraid of that, but a terrarium heating pad you stick the the underside of the aquarium for a backup source of heat. Snakes can generally go up to a month without eating as long as they have water, although I wouldn’t advise you to do that often.
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 13, 2015 07:04 PM

I’m looking to get a Kenyan Sand Boa. What can I do with it when I go on holiday?
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 6, 2015 06:26 AM

I’m looking to get a Kenyan Sand Boa. What can I do with it when I go on holiday?
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 6, 2015 05:42 AM

I’m looking to get a Kenyan Sand Boa. What can I do with it when I go on holiday?
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 6, 2015 05:18 AM

I’m having issues getting my sand boa to eat. She was eating well and now that the weather is changing, she seemed to have lost her appetite. Her tank does not seem to get too cold but I was wondering if I should get a night heat light to help keep her warm. I tried braining her mouse and she did not give it a second glance. Any suggestions?
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 9, 2015 07:04 PM

I just received a baby Kenyan sand boa male from reptmart.He is so sweet. I read some on these snakes on the internet but just purchased a book to learn more about them the males don’t grow to big around 2 FT .Nice orange & black
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 2, 2015 03:45 PM

I just received a baby Kenyan sand boa male from reptmart.He is so sweet. I read some on these snakes on the internet but just purchased a book to learn more about them the males don’t grow to big around 2 FT .Nice orange & black
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 2, 2015 03:44 PM

I was thinking of buying a Kenyan Sand Boa online from Snakes at Sunset. Their prices are great, and they seem reputable. Anything I should ask before purchasing?
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 30, 2015 08:09 AM