
Blood and Short-tailed Python Care Sheet Archived Comments

I love my pumpkin head sumatra short tail. As a baby I had to handle him frequently to build his trust. Yes he huffed initially. Now he is so calm and

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I love my pumpkin head sumatra short tail. As a baby I had to handle him frequently to build his trust. Yes he huffed initially. Now he is so calm and very inquisitive. He loves his water bowl so yes that must be kept clean. He has never ever shown any aggression. I feed frozen thawed , warmed inside a plastic bag in water . He feeds regularly and has never missed a meal but it MUST be warm and I feed him In the dark, they feed by heat senses . He is fat and healthy and so excited to see him growing. I do however give some of the success to his breeder. He came from a herpetologist and reputable breeder .
Posted by PennyC, Dec 23, 2019 08:29 PM

I’m a beginner snake keeper I’ve got a ball phyon and I’m looking for a 2nd snake and I’ve fallen in love with the blood pythons do you think that someone like myself is capable enough for keeping them as long as they do a load of research (witch I have been doing a lot of around 3 months or so so far) thanks
Posted by Tammy, Mar 26, 2019 12:24 PM

Well, they just scared me off of the BEAUTIFUL BLOODS! And I’ve been a Snake Owner/Lover for 20 years. I even hand-feed my Gorgeous 7′ Columbian Redtail Boa! She’s my baby!🐍 But I need one that I can take w/me in public as my Emotional Companion. Something beautiful so people won’t “freak out”. I’ve looked at Morphs, $2200-$5000! OMG! My 1st was a gorgeous Corn Snake. She was my lil girl for 17 years. I can’t get another one…reminds me too much of her. Any suggestions? Thx!
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 2, 2019 11:02 AM

This may be a bit of a dumb question, but I’m getting a blood python soon and I’ve only really kept desert dwelling snakes and lizards; the type that burrow in calcium sand and crushed walnut. It’s always worked for them without any health problems caused by the sand or dust, and I was about to get another desert dwelling snake when I found a really nice blood python. Anyways, what I’m trying to ask is, will the ground walnut bedding I already own work for this snake (as it has some burrowing tendencies) or should I go out and buy something else? (I prefer display tanks, which is the only reason I don’t like to use newspapers)
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 9, 2018 12:49 AM

This may be a bit of a dumb question, but I’m getting a blood python soon and I’ve only really kept desert dwelling snakes and lizards; the type that burrow in calcium sand and crushed walnut. It’s always worked for them without any health problems caused by the sand or dust, and I was about to get another desert dwelling snake when I found a really nice blood python. Anyways, what I’m trying to ask is, will the ground walnut bedding I already own work for this snake (as it has some burrowing tendencies) or should I go out and buy something else? (I prefer display tanks, which is the only reason I don’t like to use newspapers)
Posted by Anonymous, Aug 9, 2018 12:44 AM

Yes Blood Pythons will calm down when handled as babys…yes they still hiss its a defense not an aggression…great pet i prefer over Better than a Boa…
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 11, 2018 04:09 PM

I have 4 blood pythons. They never musk, bite, nor are they aggressive. They hiss; though it may sound unnerving think of it like this.. dogs bark, cats meow, cows moo. That’s it. I have ball pythons that are more “aggressive” than my bloods. The beginning of this article is very misleading; things like this is the reason why snake owners are afraid to venture into owning a blood or short tail. Snakes have just as many personalities as humans, take that into consideration.
Posted by Anonymous, May 21, 2017 12:52 PM

lengthen his tail friend! He is scrunch!
Posted by Anonymous, Mar 3, 2017 06:01 AM

I have a just over 2 year old red blood female I’ve had for 2 years. She has never struck or bit and is as trusting and docile as my sweetest ball python. She touches noses with the dogs and cats when she is out and has never given me any trouble or worries. She eats live or f/t. I know I shouldn’t but I have often handed a f/t to her which she takes gently. Awesome animal!
Posted by Anonymous, Dec 30, 2016 09:51 AM

I have one i also own verious other python as coastal,bermise an a boa.. But my blood is by for the best to handle an is more docile than the others i have more convidence puttin my hands in his viv to change bulbs an water bowls with the others i have to get my partner to watch there behavior while i tinker about cleaning an so on… So yea big hands up for the blood would recomend getting one awsome snake to bond with…
Posted by Anonymous, Nov 4, 2016 06:26 PM

I have a 1 yr graniteBreiensteini I got one week ago. Haven’t got a chance to weigh him yet. About 3′ and very fat. Has no head issues, no trust issues whatsoever. Verymuch a gentleman. Had a nostril scale issue but that fixed and he’s seems happy. Very active. Quickly becoming one of my top favorites. I aim to find one other.
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 29, 2016 05:21 PM

Can you breed the 3 species together?
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 2, 2016 03:25 PM

Can you breed the 3 species together?
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 2, 2016 03:25 PM

Can you breed the 3 species together?
Posted by Anonymous, Feb 2, 2016 01:41 PM

mee tooo!
Posted by Anonymous, Oct 16, 2015 08:56 PM

A blood python makes an excellent third snake. I think everyone should attempt to own them. I just bought my 1 1/2 month old male blood. He took three weeks of daily handling and now he’s like a calm puppy. He only nailed me twice with his teeth when he was first settling down and I was changing water…..not fun but it can be dealt with. Just handle them with confidence, allow yourself plenty of handling time daily with them, and when they are babies keep them in RUBS it makes it plenty easier. I have mine in a 20 QT tub with a soaking spot and coco fiber with his temp controlled heat mat. He’s already done two perfect sheds with me, no bites, nor musk. I have no doubt that he will turn out to be a perfect example of a well behaved snake.
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 22, 2015 03:45 PM

a lot of good info here. i was worried that the stereotypes might be true but this info has gave me confidence i think i will give the blood python a try.
Posted by Anonymous, Sep 8, 2015 03:12 AM