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Bibron's Gecko

Pachydactylus bibroni
Family: Gekkonidae
Adult Size: 4 to 6 inches in total length

Southern Africa

Habitat: Prefers arid environments containing rocky outcroppings with numerous crevices.
Captive Lifespan: 5 to 8 Years
Care Level: Beginner


This hardy wall crawler is simple to keep if a few basic criteria are supplied in its enclosure. Being nocturnal, Bibron’s geckos spend the majority of each day secreted out of sight in a favorite hiding place. These can be crevices between layers of rock, or between slabs of bark. A comfortable retreat is essential because two-thirds of their lives are spent waiting for the nighttime activity period to commence.

Coarse sand or gravel bedding works well, topped with layers of rock or stone and stacked to provide numerous crevices between the layers. A water bowl is not necessary in the cage, as long as a misting bottle is used to provide water droplets to be licked off of the rocks and cage walls.

Bibron’s geckos are insectivorous – virtually any small bugs that can be overpowered will be quickly grabbed by small, able jaws and consumed after a few crippling bites. Crickets and mealworms can provide the bulk of the diet, but supplementation with numerous other insects is always a wise course of action.

Daytime temperatures can reach the low 90s Fahrenheit, but preferred hunting temperatures at night should dip into the 80s or even the 70s. Keep handling to a minimum – Bibron’s geckos are best enjoyed in their cage, not as a hands-on pet.