Green Sea Turtle
Green sea turtles occur worldwide primarily in sub-tropical and tropical oceans. They are often seen off of the Florida Coast, in the Gulf of Mexico, and will range up the eastern seaboard during the summer months.
Hatchling green sea turtles have been raised in captivity at various locations around the world. Usually the purpose of these turtle farms has been to produce turtle meat and soup for human consumption. Farm-raised green sea turtles have reportedly grown to more than 8 inches in size during the first year of life, which is presumably faster than they would grow in the wild. The green sea turtle is listed on the U.S. Endangered and Threatened Species list, thus is not likely to be maintained in private turtle collections.
The green sea turtle is primarily an herbivorous species, with adults consuming marine vegetation and macroalgae. However, juveniles are more omnivorous, consuming sponges, jellyfish, worms, snails and bivalves.