African Rock Python
From Guinea and Senegal on the west coast of Africa, across the center of Africa to the east coast of Ethiopia, southern Somalia, Kenya and northern Tanzania.
Because of its exceptional size, and its ugly temperament, the African rock python is not a species that many keepers, especially novices, should choose to maintain.
Boas and pythons require clean enclosures with good ventilation. Most snakes will climb if branches or platforms are provided. Hide boxes should also be provided. All captive snakes require fresh water to drink in bowls made of nonporous materials.
As a general rule, most pythons and boas will do fine in temperatures ranging between 86 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and 80 degrees at night. It's a good idea to provide a basking spot 5 to 7 degrees higher than the rest of the cage that the snake can voluntarily choose to enjoy.
Boas and pythons are carnivorous animals that will feed on rodents such as mice, rats, hamsters and gerbils. Most pythons and boas are fed once a week.