Pine Barrens Treefrog
Pine barrens treefrogs are recorded from New Jersey, North and South Carolina, Alabama, and the Florida panhandle, in three disjunct populations.
Pine barrens treefrogs are a beautiful green coloration with a deep brown mask that fades to lavender as it extends down the lateral aspect of the frog’s body. The lateral stripe has a vivid, cream or white, border.
As adults, pine barrens treefrogs feed on appropriately sized invertebrates. The larval stage feeds on aquatic vegetation and algae.
This frog is protected throughout its entire range. It was afforded “endangered” status by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service from 1977 to 1983. As with many endangered species, the activities of man have greatly reduced suitable habitat for these frogs. The destruction of wetlands for development has rendered many of the historical breeding pools unsuitable for these delicate anurans.
Because they are protected in all the states where they occur, it is illegal to possess these frogs in captivity without special permits.